Happy Thanksgiving!
With Charles on the other side of the globe in Afghanistan, we are more thankful today than ever for all that we have. We're thankful in particular for our family and friends, and that includes all of our extended campaign family, our campaign team, volunteers, donors, and supporters, who we have the privilege of knowing through the campaign. You've made our lives rich in ways you could never imagine.
Today, we were fortunate to spend time with my family for breakfast at Zippy's and with Charles' family for dinner.

For Charles, this was a day much like most others, but he was thankful to talk to the girls (they were on a lengthy communications blackout until last night) and to have some turkey for dinner.

Last weekend, we were thankful to be able to participate in IHS' Give Thanks project. Thank you to all of you who donated food or came out to pack and deliver meals.

Most of all, we are thankful to all of our American soldiers in harm's way. Their service reveals their character and their sacrifice brings honor to our nation.
Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. And, thank you for all you are and all you do for us.
With gratitude and fondest aloha,
Stacey Djou
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is a truly special time of year. This day that we have set apart as Thanksgiving is truly a time for us to reflect on and be thankful of the things for which we are most grateful. More importantly, take some time to express your gratitude to others for all that they have done for you.
I am grateful for all of you and your pride in our great State of Hawaii and in the United States of America. I am thankful for your dedication to keeping our state and nation a great place for future generations, and I thank you for your commitment to our Party and its values. I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

David S. Chang
Chairman, Hawaii Republican Party