Goodbye for now
BY CHARLES DJOU - Today marks my final day in Hawaii before I deploy to Afghanistan with the U.S. Army to support Operation Enduring Freedom.
This weekend also marks the 10th Anniversary of the terrible events of 9-11. It is a poignant reminder of why today we still have 100,000 American soldiers in harm's way in Afghanistan, and a reminder that each one of those 100,000 soldiers has a parent, a spouse, a child and other loved ones at home anxiously awaiting their return.
It is with a heavy heart that I leave Hawaii. I will especially miss my wife, Stacey, my son, Nick and my sweet girls, Tori and Alli. But, I am proud to serve my country in whatever way I can. It is a commitment I made a decade ago when I received my commission a month after 9-11, and it's a commitment I intend to honor to the best of my ability.
In my absence, my sole focus will be on my mission. I will not be campaigning while in Afghanistan, and will instead leave it to my wife and my very capable campaign team to communicate our message, grow our grassroots efforts, and raise the funds it takes to support a congressional campaign.
If you can consider making a contribution of $200, $100, or even just $50 to my campaign efforts to help my team while I am away, I would deeply appreciate your support.
The price of freedom is not free and I believe in the cause facing our nation to defeat terror and champion liberty. Mahalo for your support and prayers for our servicemembers now overseas in combat theater and for all of the many veterans who have served our nation. May God bless you and your family and may God bless the United States of America.

Charles K. Djou
Member of Congress, 2010-2011
Hawai‘i, 1st District |