News Release From House Minority Caucus
Honolulu–Hawai‘i State Representative Cynthia Thielen (R, 50th District: Kailua, Kaneohe Bay) will speak at the Opening Ceremony of the 9th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference Series (EWTEC) in September in Southampton, England. A biennial event, this international conference brings together global leaders in ocean-based renewable energy and has a strong emphasis on academic merit, technical and scientific aspects, and policy.
Representative Thielen, an ardent supporter of wave energy technology, will present a Proclamation from the State of Hawai‘i during the Opening Ceremony of the EWTEC. She joins a select group of dignitaries from the United Kingdom in kicking off this week-long event, including Mr. Chris Huhne MP, Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
"I am very honored to have this opportunity to express to the global community Hawaii's commitment to generating clean, sustainable energy from our ocean," stated Rep. Thielen.
Governor Neil Abercrombie and Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz have proclaimed the week of September 5-11, 2011 as EUROPEAN WAVE AND TIDAL ENERGY CONFERENCE WEEK in support of the goals of developing ocean renewable energy. Hawai‘i (specifically the 50thDistrict) is home to the first wave energy facility in the United States, situated offshore of Marine Corps Base Hawai‘i at Kaneohe Bay (MCBH). MCBH leadership has committed to becoming energy secure by 2015 and considers wave energy conversion an integral part of this goal.
"Hawaii's wave energy resources are among the best on the planet and could potentially supply all of Hawaii's energy needs; our military neighbors are charting these waters for the State," Rep. Thielen explained. "Thanks to their efforts, we are not only poised to be a national leader for this technology, but also for the Pacific Rim. I am very pleased that Governor Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Schatz recognize this potential and encourage its development, as stated in their Proclamation:
…[the EWTEC] presents an excellent opportunity for all developers of wave energy to strongly consider Hawai‘i as an ideal market to present your products to the world; Hawai‘i's proximity to the emerging market economies in China, Japan and the Pacific Rim, in partnership with their supportive political climate, makes for an optimal location for doing business;…"
For more information on the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, see
Walk Wise Hawaii with Representative Corinne Ching
Lance Rae and Dianne Ward of Walk Wise Hawai’i discuss Pedestrian Safety with Representative Corinne Ching.
Gil Gets it Done – Hawaiian Chariots with Gil Riviere and Daniel Ward
Representative Gil Riviere talks with Daniel Ward of Hawaiian Chariots, the only production model wheelchair specific vehicle available in the U.S
Street-legal, all Hand controls, powered EZ access ramp “No need to transfer!”
Drive from your wheelchair. 250 cc, 4 stroke, liquid cooled. Cruise at 45 mph
The disabled in Hawaii can now hit the road in a unique vehicle made in Wahiawa.
LINK: Email address: (
LINK: Gil Riviere
LINK: VIDEO of Interview
Gil Gets It Done- Robotics with the Hawaiian Kids from Waialua High
Representative Gil Riviere talks with Glenn Less director of the Hawaiian Kids Robotics team.
"The Hawaiian Kids: Transforming Our Community and Culture 359 of Waialua Robotics, a.k.a. the Hawaiian Kids proudly represent Hawaii as not only the first FRC team, but also as the first robotics-related program in the state! We have been a part of FIRST since 1999 and have participated in the FIRST Robotics Competition for twelve years. Comprised of a relatively small and dedicated group of diverse students, mentors, and volunteers, we strive to transform the culture of our plantation community through the values of FIRST. As our motto says: It's not about winning.... It's about teamwork, commitment, and responsibility!"
Visit the website at -
VIDEO: Waialua HS Robotics
Plant Theft Robs Us All by Representative Cynthia Thielen
pdf: Plant Theft Robs Us All by Representative Cynthia Thielen -- August-September 2011 issue of Landscape Hawaii
Representative Gene Ward Discusses Kamiloiki Elementary
Susan Okano principal, Curriculum/Technology Coordinator Terrie Kamo and Student Kalei Young join Representative Gene Ward to discuss the achievements of Kamiloiki Elementary.
VIDEO: Kamiloiki Elementary
Would You Have Been Ready? Virginia earthquake a startling reminder for Hawai‘ i
Today’s East Coast earthquake serves as a reminder that disasters can strike on any day, at any time, anywhere in the world. Thankfully, no major injuries or damage were reported after the 5.9 magnitude quake rattled millions of unsuspecting Americans at school and work this afternoon.
Here are some tips from FEMA for getting through an earthquake:
- If you are indoors, DROP to the ground, take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
- If you are outdoors, STAY outdoors. Move away from buildings, streetlights, and utility wires.
- If you’re in a moving vehicle, STOP as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires.
More information about earthquake readiness can be found here.
You’re Invited: “Get Ready ‘Ewa Beach” Emergency Preparedness Fair
I hope you and your family will join us at our community’s first-ever “Get Ready ‘Ewa Beach” Emergency Preparedness Fair. The event will focus on tsunami, hurricane and earthquake preparedness, how to create a family plan, supply kits, evacuations, health emergencies and insurance.
Saturday, September 24th, 2011
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
‘Ewa Makai Middle School
91-6291 Kapolei Parkway, ‘Ewa Beach
Experts from the Department of Emergency Management, State Civil Defense, FEMA, American Red Cross, Boy Scouts of America, private businesses and dozens of community organizations will host informational booths, seminars and hands-on training sessions for you and your neighbors to prepare for the next impending manmade or natural disaster.
The family-friendly fair will be open to all ages and include fun activities for children as well as preparedness information specifically geared toward older residents. You can also enter to win great raffle prizes, like one of two electric generators, emergency supply kits, and many other useful preparedness tools!
As always, please call my office at 586-9730 or email me at with questions. I hope to see you on September 24th!

HONOLULU –Representative Kymberly Pine will begin responding to constituent concerns in a series of short videos entitled “Rep. Pine’s Inbox”. The weekly videos will be embedded in mass emails, and posted to her official website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
“I think it’s vital that residents hear regularly from their elected officials about the local issues important to them. These are questions that many of our residents wonder about, but may not take the time to ask. I’m excited to share updates on these concerns our entire district this way because that communication keeps us all connected,” said Rep. Pine.
This week, Rep. Pine answers questions about:
· The proposed development of a 7-Eleven store in what is currently a residentially-zoned area;
· The unresolved future of the historically significant Ewa Field.
The first week of“Rep. Pine’s Inbox” can be found at the following links:
Rep. Kymberly Pine is the Republican floor leader in the State House. She represents District 43 (‘Ewa Beach, Iroquois Point, Pu‘uloa).