by Cannon Brooke, Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, July 21, 2011, Working Paper Series
The time has come for parents to think about their children’s future plans and decide if the university system is a viable option. It has long been a part of the American dream to walk into the Ivory Towers and continue onto post-secondary education. However, this American dream can turn into an American nightmare for parents that are unprepared. Particularly, this paper focuses on how to think strategically about the college option and calls for a proper cost-benefit analysis from parents and their children. There are many viable options to the university system that need to be exhumed so both parents and their child know they made the correct choice. While much attention and consideration is given to the college experience, other options such as: vocational schools, internships, volunteering, apprenticeships, community college and working after high school are sensible alternatives.
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NCPA: Is the Higher Education Bubble About to Burst?