by Daniel de Gracia
On Tuesday this week, President Barack Obama announced in an address to a joint session of Congress that "Now is the time to act boldly and wisely - to not only revive this economy, but to build a new foundation for lasting prosperity." I believe that the cornerstone of lasting prosperity for our nation is the understanding that the American worker has a right to his hard earned income, a right to save, to invest, and to enjoy the fruits of his labor, and that it is an immoral thing for government to balance its budget at the expense of his family. Our American Revolution began with the understanding that we have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and in recent days, government's excessive growth and unchecked spending has blasphemed our Founding Fathers and forsaken America's first love: freedom.
Here in Hawaii, we are facing an economic crisis of monumental proportions. According to the independent Corporation For Enterprise Development Opportunity and Assets 2007-2008 scorecard, Hawaii ranks 48th in home ownership, 49th in median mortgage debt, 46th in net worth of households, and 44th in affordability of homes. So bleak is the situation here in Hawaii that residents of the Big Island who live downwind of the erupting volcano are dying a slow death from inhalation of harmful particles because they cannot afford to purchase homes in safe areas. According to the Milken Institute, Hawaii ranked #1 in tax burden among all 50 states in the year 2007 for highest tax burden. All around us, we see a state that isn't working, and nearly a million Americans are crying out in anguish wondering, "Did we come all the way through history for this? Did American boys die in Normandy and Valley Forge for this?"
Today, you can play a vital part in securing a foundation for lasting prosperity here in Hawaii. Hawaii State Representative Kymberly Pine has taken bold and wise steps towards bringing back financial independence to our Aloha State by introducing two bills that will repeal the tax on food and grant a tax holiday for consumers and businesses that sell clothing and school supplies as well as personal computers to stir our economy and to put money back where it belongs - in our our hands. Unfortunately, these two bills have not yet been scheduled for a hearing by the chair of the House Finance Committee.
I'm asking as your friend in liberty to call Rep. Marcus Oshiro at (808) 586-6200 or send him an email at and request a hearing for House Bill 870 and 871.
Just two weeks ago, America celebrated the 200th birthday of a great American leader who said that this country could not exist half slave or half free. That man was Abraham Lincoln. Today, the question remains whether Hawaii will exist slave to taxes and the wild expansion of government - or free for the people to pursue their own financial independence and future. Abraham Lincoln warned us further, "While the people retain their virtue and vigilance, no administration, by any extreme of wickedness or folly, can seriously injure the government."
Please grant your fellow brothers and sisters in Hawaii your virtue and vigilance and contact the Chair of Finance today and request hearings for House Bill 870 and 871. May God bless you, and God bless a free Hawaii!