Appeal period set to begin for updated FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps
News release from City and County of Honolulu, March 10, 2025
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), and the City and County of Honolulu (City) encourage residents to familiarize themselves with the updated FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for O‘ahu. As part of the FIRMs update process, the preliminary maps undergo a 90-day public appeal and comment period where the community is able to provide feedback to FEMA for possible incorporation into the final FIRMs. The formal 90-day appeal period for Oʻahu will be open from March 13th through June 10th, 2025, allowing residents to appeal changes to their property’s flood risk designation, provide comments on the maps, and ask questions about the updates.
One of the most significant changes with the preliminary FIRMs is that some properties may now be classified within high-risk zones, known as Special Flood Hazard Areas, for the first time. Property owners in these zones who have a federally-backed loan or mortgage will be required by their lenders to purchase flood insurance when the maps are finalized. It would also require property owners to comply with the Revised Ordinances of Honolulu Chapter 21A – Flood Hazard Areas for any new development and some redevelopment. Oʻahu residents can check if their property is affected by visiting
The public should submit an appeal to FEMA if they have an objection to the preliminary FIRMs, including the addition or modification of Base Flood Elevations/Flood Depths, Special Flood Hazard Area boundaries, Zone designations, or regulatory floodway boundaries. An appeal must be accompanied by data and documentation indicating how the proposed new or modified flood hazard information shown on the preliminary FIRMs is scientifically or technically incorrect. Changes to items such as road locations and names, place names, or other base map features can be submitted as comments to FEMA.
Appeals and comments must be submitted in writing via email or traditional mail during the formal appeal period, along with the required supporting data and/or documentation.
To submit a comment or appeal via email, send to:
To submit a comment or appeal via traditional mail, send to:
- Eric Simmons, Engineer
- FEMA Region IX
- 1111 Broadway, Suite 1200
- Oakland, CA 94607
For questions or to request data used in developing the preliminary FIRMs, send an email to:
FEMA Mapping and Insurance eXchange at, using the subject line “Preliminary for Honolulu dated July 31, 2024.”
Since 2019, FEMA has undertaken an extensive restudy of Oʻahu’s flood hazards, using the latest hydrologic and hydraulic data to assess flood risks across multiple streams, many of which had never been evaluated before. Based on these studies, FEMA released preliminary updates to the FIRMs on July 31, 2024. These updated maps provide critical new insights into flood risk across the island, including areas that may now face greater flood threats. After the appeal period closes, FEMA will review and address all appeals and comments received. Updated maps are expected to be published in 2026.
The City remains committed to ensuring both the safety and financial security of Oʻahu residents. In 2021, the City proactively joined FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Community Rating System, a voluntary program that rewards strong floodplain management practices with discounts on flood insurance premiums. As a result, National Flood Insurance Program policyholders in Honolulu enjoy a 10% reduction in annual premiums, helping to ease the burden of flood insurance costs.
To watch informational videos, learn about the map changes and find out what that may mean for you, visit For more information on the updated flood maps and to download the preliminary FIRMs, visit FEMA’s Flood Map Service Center at To learn about flood insurance options, go to For specific map questions, contact FEMA’s Mapping and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) via or 877-336-2627. FMIX hours of operation are weekdays from 8 a.m. EST/2 a.m. HST to 6:30 p.m. EST/12:30 p.m. HST.