Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled for Public Hearings on Wednesday!
News Release from NRA-ILA, Monday, February 10, 2025
On Wednesday, February 12th, the Senate Committee on Public Safety and Military Affairs will hold a public hearing on several bills that will restrict Second Amendment rights in Hawaii. Please consider submitting testimony OPPOSING SB 308, SB 363 and SB 401 through the Hawaii Legislative website. For help creating an account and submitting testimony, click here.
Senate Bill 308 would impose a ban on standard capacity magazines capable of accepting more than 10 rounds. These so-called “high capacity” magazines are standard equipment for commonly owned firearms that many Americans legally and effectively use for an entire range of legitimate purposes, such as self-defense or competition.
Senate Bill 363 restricts an individual from having firearm parts outside of their home or business and only allows transport of firearm parts to specific locations such as an FFL for repair, a gun range, or for a “formal hunter or firearm use” instruction. SB 363 further requires firearm parts to be transported in an “enclosed container”, and any violation will be a criminal offense.
Senate Bill 401 would prohibit the possession of any firearm capable of firing ammunition of 50 caliber or higher. If passed, law-abiding gun owners would become criminals overnight for possessing their currently legal firearms.
Again, submit testimony on the Hawaii Legislative website to OPPOSE SB 308, SB 363 and SB 401.

HIFICO: ATTENTION HAWAI‘I GUN OWNERS... - Hawaii Firearms Coalition