What's up with legislation on the Governor's Desk?
from Hawaii Family Forum, May 31, 2024
The two bills below are still awaiting action by Governor Green. The bills were sent to his desk AFTER April 15th, so if the Governor signs the bill by July 10, 2024 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die), the bill becomes law and is given an act number. If the Governor neither signs nor vetoes the bill by July 10, 2024 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die), the bill becomes law without the Governor's signature and is given an act number. If the Governor intends to veto the bill, the Governor must inform the Legislature by June 25, 2024 (the 35th day after adjournment sine die) and deliver the veto by July 10, 2024 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die). If the bill is vetoed, it will not become law unless the Legislature successfully overrides the veto in special session by a 2/3 vote in each chamber.The Legislature must convene in special session at or before noon on July 10, 2024, to override the Governor's veto.
SB 3125 HD 2 Relating to Medical Care for Minors
Authorizes minors who are at least fourteen years old to consent to medical care and services for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, and family planning services, including the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. Requires confidentiality policies and practices for insurers and health care providers. Effective 1/1/2025. (HD2)
Proposes a constitutional amendment to repeal the Legislature's authority to limit marriage to opposite-sex couples. (HD1) The question that will be on the ballot in November will read;
"Shall the state constitution be amended to repeal the legislature's authority to reserve marriage to opposite-sex couples?"

Special Two-Part Discussion on the Current Events Surrounding the Lahaina Fire.

In Part One, Eva Andrade and Jim Hochberg discuss the April release of the report on the Lahaina Fire. This episode looks at the summary and the missing piece of information that is driving Jim crazy.

In Part Two, Eva and Jim discuss subpoenas, the redacted visitor listing, the next steps, and unanswered questions.
The government and the administrative state are on a collision course with Americans on the issues of religious liberty. Did you know that this national battle started in Hawaii in 1991? Jim and Eva talk about the facts and offer insights into what's coming down the road.