Dear friends,
You did it! You took the time and initiative to contact your representatives and the results are once again--success! Thanks to your passionate involvement, human life advocates like you have achieved yet another victory in state public policy. On April 1, the Hawai'i House Health Committee deferred HCR 71 regarding universal human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.
The decision to defer HCR 71 was made due to your overwhelming opposition to this misguided resolution. This policy would have placed at risk the lives and health of women and minor girls as young as age 11 by administering a vaccination which not only does not guarantee prevention of cervical cancer but also can result in serious adverse side effects--including death. Administration of HPV vaccination can create a false sense of security, resulting in an increase in risky sexual behavior that correspondingly increases the rate of contracting a variety of sexually transmitted infections.
Given these facts, especially when there are serious health risks involved, it is not the role of government to make decisions of this type for patients, particularly minors, that should instead be made as an informed decision by families with input from healthcare providers. More importantly, the patients for whom the vaccination is intended should instead be informed of the best way to avoid HPV and other sexually transmitted disease through practicing sexual abstinence outside of the bounds of a committed marriage relationship.
God is honoring those who are standing up for righteousness and battling the social injustices that have paralyzed our great state far too long. Continue to remain steadfast and vigilant. You are doing an outstanding job at turning the tide for the sanctity of life in Hawai'i, which will ultimately provide a present and future hope not only for our keiki but also for every other vulnerable member of our 'ohana. May we never give up on them.
For Life,
Janet M. Grace
Executive Director, Hawaii Right to Life
RELATED: Hawaii Right to Life: Oppose HCR 71 on HPV vaccination