Thursday, April 7, 2011 |
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repeal May Threaten Religious Liberty in Armed Forces
By Heritage Foundation @ 1:25 PM :: 4902 Views :: National News, Ethics
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"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Repeal May Threaten Religious Liberty in Armed Forces
From Heritage.org: Later this afternoon, the House Armed Services Committee will hear testimony from leaders in the armed forces on the impact of last year’s repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The hearing is one of the first full committee discussions of the topic in the House of Representatives since repeal of the law was mentioned by President Obama in last year’s State of the Union address.
Such delayed discussion is one of the many concerns surrounding the reversal of the 1993 law banning open homosexuals from serving in the armed forces. A new paper from The Heritage Foundation highlights how last year’s campaign to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was marked by hurried legislation and limited deliberation. The short time frame between the Pentagon’s Comprehensive Review Working Group (CRWG) report on the steps involved in changing the law and votes in Congress left concerned lawmakers and citizens little time to raise important questions about potential free speech and religious liberty ramifications. Likewise, the two brief hearings on the Pentagon’s 400-page report—held only in the Senate—and the limited debate time and prohibition on amendments all but excluded exploration of the CRWG’s often ambiguous recommendations.
Without adequate deliberation on the ramifications of repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” military chaplains and service members with moral and religious concerns were left with many unanswered questions: Can chaplains teach that homosexual conduct is immoral as they see appropriate? Can they participate in marriage counseling that promotes marriage between a man and a woman? Are service members allowed to civilly disagree with and discuss the policy change without risking their careers?
Answers to these and other questions should be addressed by Congress and the Department of Defense. Specifically, Congress should monitor the repeal implementation process through hearings in both the House and Senate and conduct an independent survey of service members to determine the effects of the repeal on military readiness, unit cohesion, and religious liberty in the U.S. Armed Forces. The Department of Defense should likewise seek to clarify the rights of chaplains and service members to civilly express religious or moral views on the repeal and on the underlying policy issues.
Oxygen Seminars: A Breath of Fresh Air for Military Marriages
The stress of separation, worrying about a deployed spouse, and juggling the daily tasks of raising children can quickly erode the relationships of military families. With a high rate of divorce among military couples, military marriages need battle plans just as much as combat forces do.
Fortunately, Stronger Families has teamed up with Association of the United States Army (AUSA) to help active duty spouses by providing “Oxygen for Your Relationship” seminars on military bases around the country. The one-day seminar focuses on building communication skills, understanding personality differences, and practicing conflict resolution specifically in the context of military life. The Oxygen seminars were created with the help of Major General Jimmy Collins, Ret., and many Army chaplains commend the results of the seminar and say they will recommend the classes to other military families.
Response from the Oxygen seminars has been very positive. A participant at a recent Fort Lewis seminar remarked: “I realized for the first time that we can actually work through the issues in our marriage. This is the first time there has been a sense of hope in our marriage.”