HFF Week in Review
from Hawaii Family Forum
Final Senate Vote on Recreational Marijuana
On March 5, 2024 SB 3335 SD1 Passed Third Reading, as amended (SD 2).
Ayes, 19;
Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Aquino, DeCoite, Fukunaga, Kidani, McKelvey, Shimabukuro.
Noes, 6 (Senator(s) Elefante, Fevella, Inouye, Kim, Moriwaki, Wakai)
We appreciate the NO VOTES listed above.
STATUS: The bill has crossed over to the House and was referred to JHA/AGR, CPC, FIN

Final House Vote on Minor Access to Gender Affirmation Care
On March 5, 2024 HB 2079 HD 2 (Relating to Health) Passed Third Reading:
(33) Ayes;
(2) Ayes with reservations Representative(s) Chun, Souza;
(14) Noes: Representative(s) Aiu, Alcos, Garcia, Gates, Holt, Kila, Kong, La Chica, Lamosao, Martinez, Matsumoto, Pierick, Quinlan, Ward voting no
(2) Excused: Representative(s) Cochran, Woodson excused.
We appreciate the NO VOTES listed above.
STATUS: The bill has crossed over to the Senate was referred to HHS/CPN, JDC/WAM
54 Years of Abortion in Hawaii - MARCH 11

A bill for An Act Relating to Abortion became law on March 11, 1970 without the Governor's signature pursuant to State Constitution, Article III, Section 17.
In 2006, abortion law was expanded and then again last year in SB1 (Act 2, SLH 2023).
According the the Lozier Institute, "the most recent year for which Hawaii has published its full vital statistics report with the state’s abortion data is 2009. Since then, Hawaii has made annual totals available but has not published any state reports with detailed demographic information.)
It is estimated, that as of 2020 and since its inception in 1970, over 220,000 babies have been aborted in Hawaii.
Legislative Deadlines & Events
MAR 11 BUDGET DECKING – Deadline for submitting the budget bill for third reading.
MAR 13 BUDGET CROSSOVER – Last day for third reading of the budget bill in order to move to the other chamber.
MAR 14 TRIPLE REFERRAL FILING (BILLS) – All bills referred to three or more committees must be filed so that they can be in their second-to-last committee in the non-originating chamber the following day. (Note: A referral to a joint committee counts as one committee referral.) This deadline allows ample time for successful bills to make their way to their last committee by the Second Lateral deadline.
MAR 21 SECOND LATERAL FILING (BILLS) – Filing Deadline for Second Lateral Bills.
MAR 22 SECOND LATERAL (BILLS) – All bills with multiple referrals must move to their final referral committee in the non-originating chamber by this date.
Catch Up on the Faith and Family First Podcast
No Hope in Dope: An Interview with Bob McCroskie from New Zealand