by Andrew Walden
How do criminals become foster parents in Hawaii?
The DHS recruits them with offers of money.
DHS’ website says this is a ‘frequently asked question’:
What criminal or child abuse history would disqualify a person from being a resource caregiver?
And the answer?
The Department of Human Services adheres to the Federal Law which prohibits the licensing of a resource caregiver/home if:
At any time, there has been a felony conviction for child abuse and neglect; spousal abuse; a crime against a child or children, including child pornography; or a crime involving violence, including rape, sexual assault, or homicide, but not including other physical assault or battery.
If within the last five years, there has been a felony conviction for physical assault, battery or a drug related offense.
Other situations of confirmed child abuse and neglect cases and other criminal convictions would need to be assessed if they pose a risk to children in care.
The only full bar against becoming a foster parent is for pedophiles, felony spousal abusers or child abusers, murderers, and rapists. All other criminals are welcome if five years has elaped since the last time they were caught.
Following this policy, CWS placed ten year old Geanna Bradley in the care of convicted auto burglar Thomas Blas and his wife. His conviction was from 2005.
Six year old Ariel Sellers was placed in the care of four-time convicted felon Isaac Kalua III and his wife, Drug Court graduate, Lehua (Kanahele) Kalua. Their convictions were from 2000 and 2001.
Both girls were tortured, tied up with duct tape, beaten, and starved until dead.
2021: Extreme Stinginess? A look at Accused Waimanalo Child Killers’ Bankruptcy Case
2024: AGAIN: Family Court Gave Another Girl to Another Convicted Felon, She was also starved and tortured to death