City announces the Fiscal Year 2023 Complete Streets Progress Report
News Release from City and County of Honolulu, Dec 27, 2023
HONOLULU – The City has released the Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Complete Streets Progress Report, which details completed projects from the past year and the status of ongoing projects. The progress report can be found online here: Complete Streets Progress Report FY23.
“I commend our staff’s unwavering commitment to implementing Complete Streets and enhancing roadway safety for the benefit of all Honolulu residents and visitors,” says Roger Morton, DTS Director. “Our goal is to ensure ways for residents and visitors to get to their destinations safely and comfortably.”
Complete Streets are streets that work for everyone. In previous decades, City streets were planned and designed primarily for vehicular capacity and throughput, and the design goal was to move vehicles as quickly and efficiently as possible. As a result, some streets lack adequate sidewalks, comfortable pedestrian crossings, low‐stress bike facilities, and accessible bus stops. Planning for Complete Streets focuses on designing streets that move people and improve safety, balancing the needs of all road users. The City passed its Complete Streets Ordinance (Revised Ordinances of Honolulu Chapter 14‐18) in 2012.
This progress report provides information on the City’s Complete Streets activities during Fiscal Year 2023, from July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Improvements include pedestrian safety, transit enhancements, traffic calming, and new bicycle facilities. Projects in the report are listed by status and whether they are in the construction, design, or planning phase.
The City hopes to continue modernizing transportation options and infrastructure to improve safety and access for all users of the roadways, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and other micro-mobility users. Complete Streets supports healthy and sustainable communities by increasing pedestrian and bicycle safety, promoting physical activity, reducing vehicle emissions, and enhancing economic opportunity. The implementation of Complete Streets is a combined effort of the Departments of Design and Construction, Facility Maintenance, Planning and Permitting, and Transportation Services. The Department of Parks and Recreation Division of Urban Forestry also plays a critical role in implementing Complete Streets on Oʻahu.
To learn more about Complete Streets, please visit: https://www.honolulu.gov/completestreets
To learn more about Vision Zero, please visit: https://www.honolulu.gov/completestreets/visionzero
SA: City releases ‘Complete Streets’ report