Dear Friend: March 26, 2011
We all continue to pray for the people of Japan. Here is just one way to kokua:

With everything going on in the world and at home, Hawai‘i's open 2012 U. S. Senate election should rightly take a back seat. Yet the primary is just 16 months away for an election critical to our Hawai‘i and country. Potential candidates have all started possible campaigns in some way, and I want to update you on ours.
First, of course, I've talked it through with Audrey and our family. I've also heard from so many friends and supporters and from many other folks, whether online or just on the sidewalk or at the store or carwash. I do deeply appreciate your thoughts and encouragement.
We also did a survey on possible primary and general elections through Merriman River Group (March 2011; 1,012 registered voters statewide; 3% margin of error). I retained very good overall name recognition and favorability, prevailed in the Democratic primary matchups (for example, Case 47%, Hannemann 35%, Unsure 18%), and did best among the Democrats in a general election against presumed Republican nominee Linda Lingle (Case 49%, Lingle 37%, Unsure 14%).
I've further been talking with Hawai‘i's senior political leaders, and will be returning to D.C. at month-end for meetings there.
For now, what it all adds up to is this. I know I can serve Hawai‘i and our country well in the U. S. Senate, know we can mount a solid statewide campaign, know we have a good chance of prevailing, and know I have the full support of Audrey and those closest to us.
We welcome your thoughts. I've had an incredible ongoing grassroots talk story off this e-newsletter over the years, with thousands of folks I know and don't know, some supporters and some not, but always honest and direct. I especially appreciate that from you now.
I'm not one for a long exploratory process. This is a decision that can and should be made soon, and we want to either go all-in or on with our life. I expect to decide by mid-April and, if it's a go, to get going.
I deeply appreciate your further consideration, and very much look forward to hearing from you.
Mahalo and aloha,

Ed Case