From www.GOPHawaii.com
Hawaii Republican Party Chairman Jonah Kaauwai released the following statement on Hawaii's congressional delegation's collective silence on US foreign policy toward Libya today.
"It’s been four days since American forces have been placed in harm's way in military action against Libya and Hawaii's congressional representatives are nowhere to be found. I challenge Hawaii's congressional delegation to come out in clear support for regime change to overthrow a tyrannical dictator in Libya, just as the US did in Iraq, or start directly confronting President Obama on this major issue," stated Hawaii Republican Party Chair Jonah Kaauwai.
"The people of Hawaii deserve to know where their congressional representatives stand on this critically important foreign policy issue. Do our Senators and Representatives support President Obama’s decision to take action against Qaddafi without congressional approval? Do they support full regime change or some other limited action? If they oppose military action, why have they been silent? The people of Hawaii deserve answers to these questions."
All of Hawaii's current congressional representatives very quickly and vocally opposed direct US military action to remove Saddam Hussein, even after Congressional authorization and United Nations support, but have been remarkably silent now that similar action is being taken against Muammar Qaddafi.