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Thursday, April 27, 2023
Trumpsters Fight Antivaxxers for Control of Maui GOP--Preview for Republican State Convention
By Andrew Walden @ 12:23 AM :: 3828 Views :: Maui County, Republican Party, COVID-19

Trumpsters Fight Antivaxxers for Control of Maui GOP--Preview for Republican State Convention

Politics is a circle.  The extreme right and extreme left meet at the bottom. 

by Andrew Walden

The fight over control of the Maui County Republican Party provides a preview for the upcoming Hawaii GOP State Convention set for May 5-6, 2023, in BJ Penn’s hometown of Hilo.

Bernie Sanders supporter and former ‘Occupy’ activist Netra Halperin is attempting to gain the Chairmanship of the Maui County Republican Party. 

Halperin, for ten years, was a perennial losing Democrat candidate for State House.  In 2022 Halperin switched to Republican but still lost --by 17 votes-- to Shekinah P Cantere in the Kihei HD 11 GOP primary.


Here is the rundown in chronological order ....

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Delegate Appointments are closed

from Maui County GOP, March 15, 2023

The second hurdle is over

So what happens next

Mahalo to all of those who have volunteered their time to be delegates. 

Congratulations to the elected and appointed District Chairs as well as all of the elected and appointed Precinct Presidents.

Now that the appointment time has closed as of March 15th at 6pm, the submissions will be vetted and the final lists will be prepared for our credentials committee to organize the approved members of whom are eligible to vote at the Maui Convention on March 25th at 2pm at the Oskie Rice Arena. 

Final results of the candidates will be sent out on March 20th after the submission deadline at 6pm.

(as a reminder executive nominations of members in good standing will be accepted until March 20th at 6pm,  and open positions at the time of the convention, nomination will be accepted from the floor. What does that mean? Well, for example, if no one submits a nomination for the Vice chair of communications by the deadline date and time, it will be an open position and nominations will be accepted from the floor on March 25th.)

At the convention, it is also a time that the Bylaws maybe voted on as well.  We had our Rules meeting last night, and it was very productive.  As the Rules representative from Dist 13, Robin Vanderpool expressed, "it was very productive and some good energy".  

Our final meeting will be next Wednesday March 22nd. We hope that all that have volunteered to be on the rules committee will attend. Please reach out to your District Chairs if you have any questions. 

There have been questions on the relationship between the Counties and the State.

Across the Country, you will find that the Counties are independent of the State. However, the bodies work together for particular areas such as elections, training etc.  The State does not impose on the Counties. That is why there are bylaws and processes implemented in each county to govern each body to protect them from over reach.  Just as the RNC, does not impose on the States.   We encourage everyone to familiarize themselves with the bylaws, and understand they are there to protect the counties..  If there isn't a time where people can come to the table to face the issues, and judgement and slander occurs without due process...then we ourselves are no better than the Democrats or socialistic organizations. We have situations that are being brought forth, but those who are making claims are refusing to coming to the table for mediation of any sorts. Is that democracy or a Republic?   We have a lot of concerns to address in the party that we should be working on together, such as election integrity, annual audits, inconsistencies, Republicans donating to democrats,  and more.  

As a community in each county, we need to work on our local issues and motivate the grassroots. We should be a party of the people. We need to address issues that are being ignored or swept under the rug, such as Human trafficking, cost of living, children allowed to have abortions, improved school systems, the fact that there are more Hawaiians living in Nevada than the entire state of Hawaii. Are we as representatives in the Republican Party, the party of Prince Kuhio, doing our part to speak for and protect Hawaiian Communities?  Or, are there those who only worry about themselves and how many votes they can get...and for the right reason?  If you want to see true intention, start looking at the CSC reports and look at how candidates spend their money and who they accept money from. Are Candidates getting their hands dirty and helping the community or are they just talking heads to get media attention?  There are so many things to consider if we are going to be true Republicans of the Party of Hawaii, of Maui County. 

With that being said, Maui has two candidates that have been nominated to fill State level Vice Chair positions that need our support, who will stand for what is right.  Please encourage District Chairs and voting members of the State Body to vote for Joe Akana for the First Vice Chair position, and our own D-11 P1 President, Gil Logan for State Vice Chair of Communication. These two gentlemen are patriots, educated, and will have a voice for all people. They will also ensure their vote is cast for the right reason and aid in driving the party forward. 

Sunday March 19th at 5pm, is the State Meeting with the State Body. We will be voting on filling the long time vacant Vice Chair seats. We will also be addressing issues that could impact the future of the Counties.  

Just remember, it is Democratic behavior to cause chaos and to misrepresent those who are the true Republicans. Look at what has been done to Donald Trump and those who continue to be contained and falsely accused for January 6th.  Start asking questions, and start reaching out to those who are being accused. There are two things to remember...there are two sides to every story, and... those who have nothing to hide will come to the table for discussion.

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” -Winston Churchill

Let's also end on a good note and celebrate  that HB 132 did not pass. 

There is always hope, and there is always an avenue to come together if we build a path to unite.

Much Aloha, 

The Maui County GOP

  *   *   *   *   *

Hawaii GOP Leaders Knowingly and Aggressively Push to Install a Far-Left Berniecrat as Leader of Maui Republicans

From HIRA, March 31, 2023

*** BREAKING ***  Get to know Susan "Netra" Halperin, the ultra-progressive Democrat with 'New Age consciousness' whom Lynn Finnegan, Diamond Garcia, Sheila Walker, Boyd Ready and other closet Democrats are backing for a top party leadership position at HRP.  You got that right.  A Hawaii socialist and Bernie Sanders Democrat is poised to take over the Maui Republican Party with the help of crooked, liberal state GOP leaders.  Yes, even more destruction of the GOP from within.  Auwe!  

Watch the video and see for yourself.

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No photo description available.

These people did not follow the guidelines and submitted their nominations after the required time of 6pm 3/20/2023. Members of this group have attempted to over rule the county bylaws that were voted on by delegates. Let’s invite them to a public zoom and ask some questions with full transparency.--from Maui GOP FB Page

May be an image of text that says 'County GOP Exec Maui Official County Chair Scott Adam Vice Chair of Membership Amanda Adam Nominees Morotirs Vice Chair of Communications Laurent Zahnd Vice Chair of Events Star Fernandez Tammy Perkins Secretary Deb Engel Andrea Rogers Treasurer Cynthia VanKleef www.mauicountygop.com'

These are the recognized candidates running for the Maui County Republican Party .--from Maui GOP FB Page March 20, 2023

May be an image of text that says 'Per HRP rule 202, the Maui County Committee met on March 31, 2023 to conduct an election of Maui County Officers. A great team to lead Maui forward Congratulations to the following Scot ABaD-R Nounty Chair Tammy Perkins-Vice Chair of Events Amanda Adam-Vice Chair of Membership Laurent Zahnd-Vice Chair of Communications Secretary-Andrea Rogers Treasurer-Cynthia Van Kleef Thank you to all our past representatives for all your hard work and dedication. It's time for Patriots to rise and get ready for 2024'

from Maui GOP FB Page March 31, 2023

  *   *   *   *   *

From Hawaii State Republican Party

Notice of New Precinct Election Meeting(s) scheduled for Saturday, April 22, 2023

Aloha Maui County Republicans,  April 5, 2023

Due to many Maui County Republicans not being notified of their Precinct Election Meeting(s) (PEM), they were disenfranchised from voting, and did not have a chance to be elected as a delegate to the Hawaiʻi Republican Party (HRP) State Convention coming up on May 6, 2023 in Hilo, HI. 

As State Chair, I have the responsibility to supervise, control and carry out the affairs of the Party. Therefore, I am calling for new Maui County PEM(s) to be held on Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM at Pōmaikaʻi Elementary School in Kahului, Maui for ALL HRP members residing in Maui County, including members from Molokaʻi and Lānaʻi to assemble in person to elect delegates to represent their precincts at the 2023 State Convention.

As State Chair, it is my duty to provide a valid delegate list to the State Convention. Since the Maui County Executive Committee has provided an incomplete list to the State Party, I am exercising my authority as State Chair to call meetings at my discretion, which in this case, is necessary to ensure that PEMs are held in alignment with our rules and for the benefit of all HRP members of Maui County.

Again, this PEM is open to all Hawaiʻi Republican Party members in Maui County, If you would like to attend the PEM or need more information regarding your Precinct and available delegate slots, please contact Patti Domingo at pattigirlonmaui@gmail.com of the Maui County Committee whom I have appointed to lead this effort.


Diamond Garcia


Hawaii Republican Party




04/19/2023 - PEM MEETING ON APRIL 22, 2023 IS STILL ON


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Tension of illegal PEMS

from Maui County GOP, April 24, 2023

On Saturday April 22 the illegal precinct election meeting (PEM) organized by Mele Songsong (Hawaii Republican Party Secretary), along with Patti Domingo, Sheila Walker (Tim Dalhouse Slate’s candidate for State Treasurer) and Netra Halperin, was shut down due to misinformation given to Pastor Tengan.

To be clear, this illegal meeting was an attempt to overrule and overthrow the duly elected Precinct Presidents, District Chairs and duly elected/appointed delegates and alternates that have been recognized by State Chair Diamond Garcia, as well as the State Rules Committee.

This illegal meeting was promoted island-wide with banners for ALL Maui County Republican Party members, and with the HRP email list of Maui County Republicans. However, when dozens of Maui Republicans showed up, they were denied access, and only a select few members were allowed in. Additionally, this illegal meeting was also promoted as being conducted by the “Republican Committee of Maui County.” However, there is no such recognized committee on Maui.

A reliable source who was fortunate to be allowed in reported that State Secretary Mele Songsong told the group at the meeting that the February 6th PEMs were determined invalid, which is simply untrue 

Patti Domingo even went so far to scold this person for informing people that they were going to have a secret meeting. Patti also confirm via text, that they did in fact have that secret meeting.

Last night, April 23, several Maui County Executive Committee members met with Pastor Tengan and her assistant at the church to talk about the events on Saturday.

In our discussion with Pastor Tengan, she reported that she had no idea about what was to take place, or how many were expected to attend. She was only asked if she could lend a room for a meeting. She had no idea that police were hired to be present, otherwise she would have never allowed this illegal meeting to take place at her church. Pastor Tengan also stated that neither her nor her church financed the cost for the police. She was upset with all the videoing, especially with Netra Halperin, as she had asked her numerous times to stop filming her, even inside of the church.

Pastor Barbara shut down the meeting, as tensions were building because of the division due to Mele Songsong and several members not being allowed in to the so-called PEM. The people who did get inside included some of the following: Mele Songsong, Patti Domingo, Netra Halperin, Sheila Walker, Bill Seaton, Bonnie Seaton, Joy Gerry, Greg Lussier, Sue Lussier, Lei Faegan, Cindy Sue Clark, Deb Wyand, Janice Yeager.

Along with video, photos, and testimony from individuals who were allowed inside of the illegal PEM, we found the following:

Once the illegal PEM was shut down, another meeting was immediately organized at an undisclosed location that did not include all members, nor the current sitting executive team, nor the current recognized delegates.

This is grave malfeasance on the part of Mele Songsong, Sheila Walker, Patti Domingo, and Netra Halperin. These individuals have attempted to form a coup in order to overthrow a sitting and organized group of the Hawaii Republican Party. This is not just a concern of Maui County, but should be of concern to the entire State body. The action that was taken and attempted surely affects the State Convention and the integrity of the process. Every candidate running should be concerned about receiving a fair opportunity to run for a state position.

It's time we come together.


Scott Adma Chair, Maui County Republican Party

And The Maui County Executive Team

  *   *   *   *   * 

From Hawaii State Republican Party


Dear Members & Faithful Volunteers,   April 25, 2023

I want to express my sincere appreciation for your unwavering commitment to our Party and its mission to elect Republicans to office. We can achieve our goals only with your dedication and hard work, so I felt it important to share this information.

An unfortunate event occurred in Maui this past Saturday. Certain leaders of the current Maui County Committee actively worked against an official State Party initiative by showing up, harassing, and berating other members who were there to attend a Precinct Meeting(s). The most despicable part occurred afterward with the brutal and unrestrained series of verbal attacks broadcasted on social media and via email against a local church Pastor for hosting the event, perpetrated by the same group.

The meeting was to be initiated by a committee made up of twelve Republican members in Maui County that I had appointed to ensure that Party members from Maui who were not allowed to participate in or may not have received proper notice of a previously held Precinct Election Meeting, an opportunity to participate in organizing and representing their precincts as delegates at the upcoming State Convention. 

Contrary to the misinformation spread about the State Party's role in Maui County, the Hawai'i Republican Party (HRP) has the authority as the only official Republican Party and Committee in the State of Hawai'i recognized by the Republican National Committee to operate within any County of the State. Therefore, the Counties are not autonomous entities from the Party but committees under the HRP. Thus, counties should welcome the State Party to help build and organize their counties. 

At the very core of our Party are our precincts, our boots on the ground. They are the front lines of the Party and possess the greatest of responsibilities in our organizational structure in determining the direction of our Party and who our leaders should be to help fulfill our mission to elect Republicans. 

Only with support from our precincts can we win more seats in 2024. And County and State Conventions are so important–the most important events the Party is obliged to its members to hold so that members can come together to organize.

For these reasons, I, as your duly elected State Chair with the responsibility of supervising all state activities and counties, made the unpopular but necessary decision to support our members in Maui who were disenfranchised, to conduct this meeting and to defend the sanctity of our precincts and their right to assemble. 

But unfortunately, the meeting had to be abruptly canceled because of the disruption, which denied some 50+ members who were there to participate in the meeting, the opportunity to exercise their fundamental rights as members of the HRP. 

This behavior defies all that we stand for when our members are prevented from exercising their freedoms that we cherish so much as Republicans, to associate and gather in peace for a common goal–without fear of retaliation and defamation.

While healthy discourse is encouraged, bullying, and harassment by our members, especially when displayed in public, is unacceptable. The HRP must not condone this behavior, and we must work together to ensure that it does not continue.

Despite this setback, l am encouraged that our faithful members will remain steadfast and more committed than ever to our mission and the values that make our Party great. We are a Party of respect, integrity, and civility, and we will continue to uphold those values as we move forward.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

E Hana Kākou,

Diamond Garcia, Chairman

Hawai'i Republican Party

  *   *   *   *   *

From Maui County GOP




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