Friday, April 21, 2023 |
OHA Check Register 2022--Insiders Rake in $1.2M for Kakaako Makai Lobbying
By Andrew Walden @ 11:29 PM :: 5437 Views :: Honolulu County, Ethics, Development, OHA
by Andrew Walden
Hawai’i Free Press has obtained a copy of the Fiscal Year 2021-22 Office of Hawaiian Affairs check register in response to an open records request.
The register shows 1,653 checks totaling $32,771,019.05--a spending decrease of $2.38M from last year.
View the check register here:
This is the third fiscal year after the departure of former OHA CEO Kamana’o Crabbe. Is the cash still flowing to insiders? See for yourself:
Number One on the Hit Parade -- Kuilei Consulting, Inc -- Karl Veto Baker: $1,199,275.57 to funnel money to insiders for promoting OHA’s Kakaako Makai development schemes. Incorporated April 2, 2021, Kuilei started receiving OHA money with four checks totalling $160,157.00 dated January 6, 2022. READ: “Dead Bodies, Convicted Felons and Kakaako Makai: Meet the new Gang at OHA.” NOTE: $1,199,275.57 is the total for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. Funding for this year’s Kakaako Makai lobbying effort is likely not included.
Here is the breakdown:
$2.1M -- Lobbyists, PR, Kakaako Makai
Robin Danner Etal -- $262,515.41 (down from $576K last year and $977K year before)
Interesting Factoid: With $977K as a baseline, Danner’s schemes have lost a total of $1.029M over the last two years. This is very close to the $1.199M scooped up by Kuilei Consulting. Does OHA have a fixed budget line-item dedicated to grease insiders?
$1.2M -- Consultants, Computer Software, Engineering, Training and Marketing
- $7,902.43 Access Information Management (shredding service)
- $6,420.15 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. (network solutions)
- $31,449.60 CHERRYROAD TECHNOLOGIES INC. (systems integration and consulting services)
- $65,000.00 DATAHOUSE (consulting)
- $109,289.00 DL CONSULTING LIMITED (Veridian software, NZ)
- $148,245.87 paid to Forest Solutions, LLC -- (owned by Mrs. Michael Saalfeld) See: “Secrecy surrounds Parker Ranch's sale of 3,509 acres to biofuel pioneer” and “Parker Ranch files lawsuit against German industrialist’s 3,500-acre purchase.”
- $65,100.00 Ohanasoft, LLC (Oracle Consultant Joon Kwok)
- $91,504.72 Oracle America, Inc
- $50,000.00 Orrick, Harrington (investment consultants)
- $4,860.00 PBR Hawaii (planning)
- $70,611.51 SEGAL ADVISORS, INC. (investment consultants)
- $86,514.37 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP (Software House Int’l)
- $12,500.00 Supporting the Language of Kauai, Inc (For OHA Insider Cash Bonanza Comes with Poi Mill)
- $11,931.73 The SystemCenter, Inc
- $23,390.03 THOUGHTFOCUS, Inc
- $19,477.80 Wilson Okamoto Co. (engineering and planning)
- $70,029.28 World Wide Technology, Inc
- $3,280.22 WPEngine, Inc
- $54,925.28 Xerox Corp
- $33,785.41 ZR Systems Group, LLC (computer consultants)
$2.1M to Lawyers (NHLC and McCorriston big winners)
- $172,090.63 to Klein Law Group LLLC (see: OHA Sacrifices $3.2M to Hide Lawyer’s Conflict of Interest?)
- $52,985.34 to ES&A, INC which, among other things, in the past defended the OHA LLCs refusal to comply with Hawaii’s open records laws. See: Lawsuit: OHA-Owned Corporations Must Comply With Open Records Laws and OHA’s Hidden LLCs: Why Plead Guilty to Stealing $14M?
- $25,912.90 to Cades Schutte
- $19,537.09 to Sherry Broder ESQ
- $15,394.57 to Kaneohe Lawyer LLLC
- $1,089.15 Ogawa, Lau, Nakamura & Jew
- $655,867.45 paid to McCorriston Miller.
- $122,739.59 paid to Dentons (formerly Alston Hunt).
- $1,048,800.00 paid to Native Hawaiian Legal Corp.
Over $1.9M to Banks
- $116,532.43 paid to Bank of America.
- $1,721,088.03 paid to Bank of Hawaii.
- $82,960.89 paid to First Hawaiian.
Other Highlights found by searching the register include
- $493,853.18 paid to Kanu o Ka Aina Learning Ohana and another $114,125.50 paid to Kanu o Ka Aina PCS. Outgoing OHA Trustee Bob Lindsey formerly member of Board. Flashback: “OHA Chair’s Charter School Gets Seven Times More Than All Other Charters Combined”
- $55,863.50 to Kipuka O Ke Ola (5 Mountains) – Bob Lindsey on Board
- $1,721,088.03 paid to Bank of Hawaii (See: Surprise: Entire OHA Trust Fund Frozen by Gentry Pacific Boondoggle)
- $3,000,000 to DHHL (OHA in 2009 promised to give DHHL $3M per year for 30 yrs)
- $48,290.28 paid to OHA’s Hi’ilei Aloha, LLC. OHA Trustee Dan Ahuna calls OHAs LLCs ‘a profitable model’ yet they keep getting subsidies year after year. See: Lawsuit: OHA Uses Corporations to Sidestep Open Meetings Law, Loot Assets, Line Cronies' Pockets
- $740,893.54 paid to University of Hawaii
- $13,565,948.55 paid to Director of Finance and $1,567,471.34 paid to OHA (payroll)
- $60,877.15 to Ann Sexton, OHA DC Office Manager
- $25,349.88 to Alu Like
- $41,126.00 to US Department of the Interior
- $6,705.50 to Chem-Toi -- (telescope protests?)