Equality? Nonsense. All people have an equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex. This “equality” is not an equality between people before the law, it is an “equality” between two different types of family structures before the law: One which creates conservatives and another which creates radicals.
Civil Rights? In the entire history of the human race going all the way back one million years to the Rift Valley in Africa, there has never been gay marriage. Marriage has always been between male and female. There may have been different forms of male-female marriage, but there has never been gay marriage under any religion, under any tribe, kingdom, or republic, on any continent or island, or in any language—until 1993 when gay marriage was invented for the first time anywhere on earth by the corrupt, Broken Trust, Hawaii Supreme Court.
The author of the Hawaii decision was Justice Steven Levinson, backed by Chief Justice Moon. Levinson would later be exposed as a close ally of Bishop Estate broken trustee Gerald Jervis in the 2006 book Broken Trust (pgs. 93, 151, 161, 183, 212-213, 250) and in Governor Ben Cayetano's autobiography (pgs 437-442). Levinson denies everything but resigned his seat on the State Supreme Court earlier in December, 2008--shortly before Cayetano's book was released.
That is the history of gay marriage.
Here are some highlights from today’s media coverage:
Abercrombie invites gay sex tourists to Hawaii
Abercrombie signed the legislation at a ceremony today at historic Washington Place.
"E Komo Mai: It means all are welcome," Abercrombie said in remarks before signing the bill into law. "This signing today of this measure says to all of the world that they are welcome. That everyone is a brother or sister here in paradise."
"The legalization of civil unions in Hawaii represents in my mind equal rights for all people," he said.
HNN: Companies plan push for gay sex tourism
TOTALLY RELATED: The transsexual agenda for Hawaii schools (Mr Kim Coco Iwamoto won approval of a law forcing Hotels to admit men wearing dresses.)
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Civil Unions could help gay illegal aliens become Citizens
After watching the signing ceremony Shaun Campbell said the new law may help his partner become a United States citizen.
"The civil union bill here in Hawaii possibly contains some loop holes whereby undocumented people could in fact enter into a civil union here in Hawaii. I'm looking at that option for me and my partner possibly," Campbell said.
Some civil union supporters say this is just the beginning. They will continue to push for same sex marriage.
"Time will tell when we can get full benefits. Not just some benefits, but full benefits," said Andres Autrique.
If only Leon had waited a few years: Child molester back at work at Hawaii Legislature
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Local women unhappy with Civil Unions
A protester, Zahava Czara, says opponents are disillusioned with Governor Neil Abercrombie’s stance on this bill: “I think basically many of the local people here that are concerned, the concern is as I heard some of the prayers last night from local Hawaiian women saying Please God, bring back the righteousness to Hawaii nei.”
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Usual assortment of progressives cheer frantically
"It's about time. It's required convincing and putting aside the fears of hundreds of thousands of people in Hawaii," said completely typical and average civil unions supporter Hannah Miyamoto.
Here’s a neat poem by Miyamoto:
Let’s go, to-day’s Visitors! Smash up the Green and White!
Break their bones and faces. Crush them with all your might.
Right! Right! Right!
Snap their fragile ankles. Infect them with disease
Then when the team is, completely creamed; Repeal the unfair fees!
She truly is conscious, enlightened, and progressive. She’s smarter than you.
Sen. Mike Gabbard said it is a sad day in Hawaii. "Civil unions is same sex marriage with a different name. What the people of Hawaii have said repeatedly over the last 20 years is that they're opposed to civil unions and same sex marriage and what the politicians are saying is to hell with you," Gabbard said.
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Surprise Proposal: Clayton Hee to take Neil Abercrombie as wife, Schatz to be maid of honor

Brian Schatz in Larry Mehau’s barn, 2006 >>> LINK