from Hawaii Family Forum, Feb 24, 2023
First Lateral Deadline: Bills must be in final committee
We are almost at the half-way point.
Last week Friday, on February 17, 2023, all bills referred to more than one committee should have moved to their final committee in the originating chamber. That means that all committees would have had to file their committee report with the bill by February 16.
All the bills that were considered good pro-life bills are dead and bills that expand abortion and assisted suicide (by removing restrictions) are still alive.
In the next week or so, the bills that are alive will be heard in their final committees and then end up on the full chamber floor for a vote. In my experience (and I have been doing this for over 20 years), very few bills are ever killed on the chamber floor. After passage, bills will "crossover" to the opposite chamber and the process begins again.
Crossover is March 9, 2023.
Assisted Suicide Expansion Bill: Weirdness Unfolds
SB 442, SD1 Relating to Health, the bill that removes safeguards on assisted suicide was heard in the Senate Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee on Wednesday. The bill originally had been referred to first the Health & Human Services Committee and then it was supposed to go to a joint hearing of Consumer Protection and Judiciary. However, it was "re-referred" to just the CPN Committee which held decision-making ONLY on the bill. They allowed written testimony, but no oral testimony.
We submitted written testimony in opposition.
The votes in CPN were as follows:
4 Aye(s): Senator(s) Keohokalole, Fukunaga, McKelvey, Richards
1 No(es): Senator(s) Awa; and
0 Excused: none.
STATUS: The bill passed the committee without any amendments and will now head to the full Senate for a vote. Please watch for our action alert when the bill is scheduled for the full chamber reading/vote.
The House version of this issue, HB 650 HD1, Relating to Health was heard in the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs today. The committee passed the bill out with small technical amendments.
We submitted written testimony in opposition.
The vote in the House JHA was as follows:
[ 8] Ayes: Rep(s) Tarnas, Takayama, Ganaden, Hashimoto, Ichiyama, Ilagan, Mizuno & Souz
[1] No: Rep. Kong
[1] Excused: Holt
STATUS: The bill will now move to the full House for a vote. Please watch for our action alert when the bill is scheduled for the full chamber reading/vote.
NOTE: It will be interesting to see which version makes it to the end of session. One version could very well end in conference committee for the two chambers to hash out their differences. Remember that anyone who votes NO on a bill will not be allowed to sit on the conference committee.
Abortion bill gets more complicated
SB1, SD1, the bill to remove protections on abortion is now much more complicated. The amended bill now includes language from two other Senate bills (SB 890 and SB 895). On Thursday, February 23, the bill was heard in the final Senate Committee (Judiciary) and decision-making was deferred until next week Wednesday.
We submitted testimony in opposition. Please note that this hearing was "decision-making only" so no oral testimony was allowed. They did allow "written" testimony.
Upcoming Legislative Deadlines
FEB 23 - MAR 1 – MANDATORY 5-DAY RECESS – Hawaii’s Constitution mandates a 5-day recess between the 20th and 40th days of the regular session. Neither the House of Representatives nor the Senate convene or assemble formally in chamber on recess days. Committee hearings do take place.
MAR 3 – FIRST DECKING (BILLS) – Deadline for bills to emerge from all their committees (with committee reports filed) and be submitted to the clerk of the originating chamber. This “decking” ensures a mandatory 48-hour opportunity for final review by the chamber’s members before they are asked to vote on the third reading. Note: A bill must pass three readings (votes) in each chamber before being enrolled to the governor. (Note: Senate Bills with only a single referral need to be filed by the committee by March 2.)
MAR 9 – FIRST CROSSOVER (BILLS) – Deadline for bills to pass third reading in order to move (or “crossover”) to the other chamber. If successful, House bills are sent to the Senate and Senate bills are sent to the House for further consideration.
Triple "F" Show: Faith and Family First
Gender Ideology and the Christian Response

Originally aired on February 23, 2023.
This conversation is open regarding faith and redemption, detailing how our church community supported Jeff Johnston on his journey. He offers insightful advice for parents who may be facing similar challenges with their own children. The discussion shifts onto the current societal push for children and adolescents to identify with the LGBTQ community. Through Jeff's personal experience and insight, he is able to offer a unique and compassionate perspective on this complex issue, you won't want to miss it.