4 complex area superintendents appointed to oversee schools in Leeward O‘ahu, Windward O‘ahu, Hawai‘i Island and Maui districts
The Hawai‘i State Board of Education approved the Department’s recommendation to appoint four complex area superintendents to oversee the schools in the Baldwin-Kekaulike-Kūlanihāko‘i-Maui, Castle-Kahuku, Ka‘ū-Kea‘au-Pāhoa, and Pearl City-Waipahu complex areas.
News Release from Hawaii DoE, 19-Jan-2023
The Hawai‘i State Board of Education today approved the Department’s recommendation to appoint four complex area superintendents to oversee the schools in the following areas:
Ka‘ū-Kea‘au-Pāhoa, and
Pearl City-Waipahu
The appointments, who have been serving in their respective roles in an interim capacity are: Desiree Sides to lead the Baldwin-Kekaulike-Kūlanihāko‘i-Maui complex area, Dr. Ed Noh to lead the Castle-Kahuku complex area, Stacey Bello to lead the Ka‘ū-Kea‘au-Pāhoa complex area, and Richard Fajardo to lead the Pearl City-Waipahu complex area.
“These dedicated Department leaders bring with them an abundance of experience and skills from their prior school, complex area and state level roles,” Superintendent Keith Hayashi said. “Each of them has proven to be capable of serving as leaders of their respective complex areas and will continue to be invaluable members of our leadership team that provide all students with the opportunities, services and support that they need to succeed.”

Desiree Sides, Baldwin-Kekaulike-Kūlanihāko‘i-Maui Complex Area
Sides was appointed as interim complex area superintendent in July 2022, moving from her position within the complex area as a school renewal specialist where she had served for over four years. In that role, she provided support to the complex area superintendent, school administrators and teacher leaders, helping to oversee and manage complex-level initiatives. Over her 30-year HIDOE career, Sides has also served at the principal and vice principal levels at Maui High and Haʻiku Elementary, and as a teacher at various Maui District schools.
Sides earned her bachelor’s degree in liberal studies at Chapman College and her master’s degree in educational administration from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.

Dr. Ed Noh, Castle-Kahuku Complex Area
Noh has been serving as interim complex area superintendent since July 2021. Prior to this role, he served in multiple leadership positions including complex academic officer for the Windward District, principal of Kāneʻohe Elementary, school director of Kaʻōhao Public Charter and executive director of the Department's Leadership Institute. He also brings 11 years of classroom teaching experience and has served as a principal for six years with Seattle Public Schools.
Noh earned his master's degree in educational leadership and policy studies from the University of Washington and his doctorate in professional educational practice from the UH Mānoa.

Stacey Bello, Ka‘ū-Kea‘au-Pāhoa Complex Area
Bello was appointed as interim complex area superintendent in May 2022. She began her 25-year educational journey as a student teacher in the Kea‘au and over the years has served the broader Kaʻū-Keaʻau-Pāhoa complex area and East Hawaiʻi schools as a substitute teacher, special education teacher, district special education resource teacher, vice principal and principal of Keaukaha and Keaʻau elementary schools.
Bello earned her bachelor’s degree in liberal studies from the UH Hilo, teaching certifications in elementary and special education, and a master’s degree in teaching from National University.

Richard Fajardo, Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area
Fajardo was appointed as interim complex area superintendent in December 2022. He has been with the Department for over two decades, most recently as principal of Kapolei Middle. Fajardo previously served as a school renewal specialist for the Campbell-Kapolei complex area and as vice principal of Holomua Elementary. Fajardo began his educational career as a school counselor at Pearl City High, where he also served as student services coordinator, and also served as a school counselor at Waipahu Intermediate and Holomua Elementary.
Fajardo earned his bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy from Wayland Baptist University as well as his master’s degree in counseling psychology and his education administrator certification from Chaminade University.
For more details, see the Board’s respective agenda items: Sides, Noh, Bello, Fajardo.