From Hawaii Meth Project
The Plan: Put together two adventurous young women with a desire to give back to the community, and you get a challenge: Fighting Meth with Miles, the crazy idea hatched by Natasha Gray and Alexandra Lavers. This challenge is a series of three fundraisers to raise money for the Hawaii Meth Project. The first is "Pau Hana Thursday!" in March, second is "Silent Auction!" in April, and the culminating event is "Walk Around Oahu!" where Natasha and Alexandra will walk the perimeter of Oahu, 134 miles, over three days, May 28-30. See below for information on how you can help!

March 10: Pau Hana Thursday! Send an email at for more information.
April 21: Silent Auction! Join us while we auction off items from your favorite stores and activities around the islands. Send an email to for more information or to make a donation of product or service to the auction.
May 28-30: Walk Around Oahu! While we do the leg work, we ask you to support our cause by pledging to support one mile or five miles or twenty miles or... you get the idea. We suggest a minimum pledge of $10/mile for how ever many miles you would like to support, but appreciate all contributions towards our ultimate goal to raise $13,400 for the Hawaii Meth Project. Click here to donate and be sure to select the "Fighting Meth with Miles" option. The Hawaii Meth Project is a 501(c) (3) and your donation is tax deductible.
We welcome all forms of support. Please contact us at or Facebook at We will be posting updates on Facebook so check back often! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for your support!
About Us:
Natasha: I moved to Hawaii two years ago from California, and am currently studying and working on Oahu. I grew up seeing the devastation Meth had on families and especially the children involved. I hope that through this campaign we can make a difference in spreading the word of the destructive effects of Meth, and help prevent youth from trying it even once. I am proud to work with the Hawaii Meth Project, an organization with a strong message and great leadership. Walking 134 miles is easy compared to the pressures faced by youth daily.
Alexandra: Hi! I am a geologist and avid outdoor enthusiast. I came to Hawaii to work, and have fallen in love with the beauty and the culture here. I ran the Honolulu Marathon in 2009 and the Kauai Marathon in 2010, and now look forward to walking the entire perimeter of Oahu and seeing all the natural beauty it offers every day. The Hawaii Meth Project captured my attention as I saw how Meth affects every single person who lives in Hawaii. It is impossible to live here and not know someone who is affected by the drug. I am excited to work with such a great cause that has shown such high success rates in preventing Meth use.