The governor has bad news and eTN readers should not read it
Hawaii Governor's media blacklist includes eTurboNews and Kamaainas publications?
From ETurboNews (excerpted)
Donalyn Dela Cruz, Press Secretary for the Governor, could not have made it more clear in a conversation with eTurboNews (eTN) Publisher Juergen Thomas Steinmetz, in which, according to Steinmetz, she stated: “We [the Office of the Governor] publish negative press releases, and it’s a SECURITY ISSUE to invite some media like eTN to a media conference. The Governor’s office news releases are mostly negative and not a good fit for a website like eTurboNews. We will not include eTN or Kamaainas on the list of publications that receives our media releases.” She went on to say eTurboNews was only a website and had no real journalists.
Steinmetz said: “This is the most outrageous comment eTN has ever received from a public official in our more than 10 years of being in business. I did not know it was the Governor’s press secretary’s job to decide what a publication should publish or not. It also appears Dela Cruz is a little behind the times, when saying electronic publications are not considered media and don’t have journalists. ETN has never had a problem receiving information or media invitations from any government or private agency in the past….
The Governor’s Press Secretary must have not paid attention to the Governor’s pledge for openness. It appears only known and trusted friends are granted access to this administration.
Calls to Josh Levinson, Governor Abercrombie's Communications Director, and Laurie Au, Deputy Communications Director, have not been returned.
Emails posted on the Governor's "New Day" communication web portal are not responded to. Letters hand delivered to the Governor's office and faxes transmitted received no response.
Ironically, Steinmetz still actively supports Governor Abercrombie and was a volunteer in his campaign. Steinmetz said, “It makes me wonder how his office deals with those who oppose him.”
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