Chief Logan Signs First Concealed Carry Permit
From HiFiCo, Dec 28, 2022
This is a historic day when the right of the people to keep and bear arms is finally acknowledged in Honolulu. Chief Logan has signed the first CCW permit, the first permit issued in modern history for Honolulu. We are pleased to see Honolulu following Kauai, Maui, and Hawaii counties in issuing permits.
We have come a long way in the 2A movement in Hawaii and the Nation. It has been a long road for this day to arrive. Thanks to the people who helped make this happen with court cases DC v Heller, McDonald v Chicago, NYSRPA v Bruen, Young v Hawaii, Livingston v Ballard, the 2A organizations, and the people who continued to fight to reclaim our rights.
The fight continues. Gun control advocates are attempting to pass sensitive places carry bans and restrictive CCW legislation await in the counties and the State legislature. Challenges in the courts will continue to combat these restrictions in GOA v Hochul on New York's CCW restrictions along with upcoming lawsuits in Hawaii.
Please apply for your CCW permit and encourage others to do so. Talk to your family, friends, and coworkers about CCW rights and the need to prevent rising violent crime. More importantly, send your State legislators a message about your support for CCW and to oppose 2A violations.

HNN: HPD said there are 56 applications (for 40 applicants) pending review.
HNN: HPD chief to sign more concealed carry permits by end of week
SA: Concealed-carry weapon license issued on Oahu
HPR: Honolulu is the last Hawaiʻi police department to process concealed carry permits
GC: Honolulu Issues its 1st CCW Permit, Ever