2022 General Election Voter Guide
U.S. Congress, Governor, Lt. Governor, State Senate and State House
News Release from Hawaii Family Forum, Oct 17, 2022
You should already start seeing your ballots in the mail. In fact, the Office of Elections has a link that you can use to see exactly what your ballot will look like and who will be on it. You can view that link here.
Track the status of your ballot by signing up. You can do that at this link.
Jim Hochberg and I discuss the charter questions on both Oahu and Kauai ballots. To view those discussions, you can click the links below:
Voting centers will open on October 25 for all of you who want to vote in person. Want to know where those centers are located? Click this link.
Not registered yet? Deadline to submit paper Voter Registration Application for the General Election to the County Elections Division is October 31, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. (HRS §11-24). Paper applications must be postmarked to your County Elections Division by this date. After this date, applicants may continue to register for the General Election using the Online Voter Registration System or at a voter service center (HRS §11-15.2).
The General Election is Tuesday, November 8th.
On the link below, you can access our 2022 General Election Voter Guide. BUT, before you click the link, I want to advise you of a few things:
While we give all candidates the opportunity to respond, we are aware that they get MANY requests (one candidate told us "thousands") for survey responses. That means some of them choose not to respond to our survey.
OUR GUIDE IS INTERACTIVE: We acknowledge that there are those that have not responded to our survey. The links in the PDF are active, so you can go directly to their campaign websites whether or not they have responded. Just hover over any link and you can go directly to campaign websites or email.
Phone numbers are provided so you are encouraged to call those candidates that did not respond and find out directly from them how they will vote on the issues that matter to you. [Remember to show respect and aloha when you make contact with them.]
FOR PRINTING: You can print copies of this survey but we ask that you do not clip out portions or highlight specific questions/answers. We have to ensure our guide meets the IRS election survey guidelines for a 501C3 non-profit.
NEED A LARGER COPY? When you are in your printer options, you can print this file as a 11x17 if you would like the print to be larger. If you just print the guide without changing paper , it will default to a 8 1/2 by 11 size. (Side note)...If you do print out copies, please email me and let me know how many you printed and distributed. This helps us with our planning for future guides.
We have done our best to ensure accuracy. If you notice any errors, please let us know so that we can update the survey. [Especially with respect to phone numbers, emails, etc.]
Finally, we are a very small non-profit with ONE staff member: Me. If you feel led to donate to help us continue our mission to educate the community, please click this link. I get so many requests to do the print newspaper copies again, but that costs lots of money and we simply do not have the resources to provide that any longer.

Click here to download the guide.
Want to know who gave money to your candidate? Click this link. This is a great way to find out which organization stands behind your candidate.
Civil Beat has provided information on the candidates. You can search for your candidate responses by clicking this link.
The Honolulu Star Advertiser has a section dedicated to the 2022 Elections.
Hawaii News Now has also created a section for the 2022 Elections.
Office of Hawaiian Affairs candidate forum.