Tuesday, January 25, 2011 |
Epic Fail: After giving away $1.3B in Tax Credits, Hawaii ranks 36th in High Tech
By News Release @ 8:28 PM :: 11106 Views :: Maui County, Education K-12, Energy, Environment, National News, Ethics
2010 State Technology and Science Index: Enduring Lessons for the Intangible Economy
by Ross C. DeVol, Kevin Klowden, and Benjamin Yeo January 25, 2011 Publisher: Milken Institute
State Technology and Science Index » State Overall Ranking: Hawaii is 36th place with 43.87 points.
(Editor’s note: Scroll down for detailed Hawaii readings. Hawaii scores high in categories which measure money spent and low in categories showing the results of those expenditures. Notably Hawaii scores 6th in “Net Formation of High-Tech Establishments per 10,000 Business Establishments 2002”—this reflects the large number of fake “hi-tech” companies being formed to sop up ACT 215/221 tax credits.)
With competition rising from abroad and federal budget allocations under fire, states are facing increasing pressure to nurture their own innovation assets in order grow and sustain diverse economies for the future. Some states, including top-ranked Massachusetts, have successfully built and leveraged their science and technology resources through investment and long-term planning.
These top-ranked states have successfully invested in and are leveraging the tech and science assets that are the engines 21st century economic growth. The Index has tracked and evaluated states' tech and science capabilities and their ability to convert them into companies and high-paying jobs since 2002.
The top ten (with previous Index rankings in 2008):
1.Massachusetts (1)
2.Maryland (2)
3.Colorado (3)
4.California (4)
5.Utah (8)
6.Washington (5)
7.New Hampshire (9)
8.Virginia (6)
9.Connecticut (7)
10.Delaware (14)
The 2010 State Technology and Science Index looks at 79 unique indicators that are categorized into five major components: Research and Development Inputs, Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure, Human Capital Investment, Technology and Science Work Force, and Technology Concentration and Dynamism. It is one of the most comprehensive examinations of state technology and science assets ever compiled.

An executive summary of the 2010 State Tech and Science Index is available here.
Complete rankings and the interactive data site is available here.
HAWAII State Technology and Science Index » State Overall Ranking: Hawaii is 36th place with 43.87 points
Hawaii » Human Capital Investment Composite Index for 2010 | 2008 | 2004 | 2002
Subcomponent |
Rank |
Statistic |
Score |
All Recent Degrees in Science and Engineering per 1,000 Civilian Workers (2007) |
48 |
2.34 |
6 |
Average ACT Scores (2009) |
29 |
21.50 |
44 |
Average Math SAT Scores (2009) |
40 |
502.00 |
22 |
Average Verbal SAT Scores (2009) |
49 |
479.00 |
4 |
Number of Doctoral Engineers per 100,000 People (2006) |
45 |
11.76 |
12 |
Number of Doctoral Scientists per 100,000 People (2006) |
11 |
156.83 |
80 |
Percent Change in State Appropriations for Higher Education (2009-10) |
31 |
-.06 |
40 |
Percentage of Bachelor's Degrees Granted in Science and Engineering (2007) |
50 |
0.12 |
2 |
Percentage of Graduate Students (Ages 25 - 34) in Science, Engineering, and Health (2006) |
32 |
0.01 |
38 |
Percentage of Households with Computers (2003) |
24 |
0.63 |
54 |
Percentage of Households with Internet Access (2007) |
26 |
0.73 |
50 |
Percentage of Population Age 25+ with Bachelor's Degree or Higher (2008) |
15 |
0.26 |
72 |
Percentage of Population Ages 25+ with Advanced Degrees (2008) |
18 |
0.09 |
66 |
Percentage of Population Ages 25+ with PhDs (2008) |
21 |
0.01 |
60 |
Recent Bachelor's Degrees in Science and Engineering per 1,000 Civilian Workers (2007) |
47 |
1.76 |
8 |
Recent Master's Degrees in Science and Engineering per 1,000 Civilian Workers (2007) |
48 |
0.48 |
6 |
Recent PhDs in Science and Engineering per 1,000 Civilian Workers (2007) |
46 |
0.09 |
10 |
Science, Engineering, and Health PhDs Awarded per 100,000 People Ages 25 - 34 (2007) |
37 |
55.34 |
28 |
Science, Engineering, and Health Postdoctorates Awarded per 100,000 People Ages 25 - 34 (2006) |
38 |
54.73 |
26 |
State Appropriations for Higher Education, Per Capita (2010) |
4 |
454.81 |
94 |
State Spending on Student Aid, Per Capita (2007-2008) |
34 |
19.54 |
34 |
Hawaii » Research and Development Inputs Composite Index for 2010 | 2008 | 2004 | 2002
Subcomponent |
Rank |
Statistic |
Score |
Academic R&D Dollars per Capita (2007) |
7 |
214.80 |
88 |
Average Annual Number of SBIR Awards per 100,000 People (2004-2006) |
23 |
1.42 |
56 |
Average Annual Number of STTR Awards per 10,000 Business Establishments ( 2004-2006) |
41 |
0.31 |
20 |
Average STTR Award Dollars per $1 Million of GSP (2004-2006) |
43 |
9.06 |
16 |
Competitive NSF Proposal Funding Rate (2009) |
5 |
0.39 |
92 |
Federal R&D Dollars per Capita (2006) |
16 |
266.69 |
70 |
Industry R &D Dollars per Capita (2007) |
41 |
170.66 |
20 |
National Science Foundation Funding per $100,000 of GSP (2009) |
7 |
95.88 |
88 |
National Science Foundation Research Funding per $100,000 of GSP (2009) |
7 |
90.21 |
88 |
R&D Expenditures on Agricultural Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
19 |
14.88 |
64 |
R&D Expenditures on Biomedical Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
31 |
52.91 |
40 |
R&D Expenditures on Engineering, US$ per Capita (2007) |
49 |
7.25 |
4 |
R&D Expenditures on Environmental Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
2 |
53.10 |
98 |
R&D Expenditures on Life Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
32 |
74.59 |
38 |
R&D Expenditures on Math and Computer Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
2 |
26.76 |
98 |
R&D Expenditures on Physical Sciences, US$ per Capita (2007) |
3 |
31.63 |
96 |
SBIR Awards per 10,000 Business Establishments, Phase I (2006) |
15 |
5.13 |
72 |
SBIR Awards per 10,000 Business Establishments, Phase II (2006) |
21 |
2.11 |
60 |
Hawaii » Risk Capital and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure Composite Index for 2010 | 2008 | 2004 | 2002
Hawaii » Technology and Science Work Force Composite Index for 2010 | 2008 | 2004 | 2002
Subcomponent |
Rank |
Statistic |
Score |
Intensity of Agricultural and Food Scientists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
7 |
30.04 |
88 |
Intensity of Agricultural Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
Intensity of Biochemists and Biophysicists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
Intensity of Biomedical Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
Intensity of Computer and Information Scientists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
Intensity of Computer Hardware Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
13 |
41.73 |
76 |
Intensity of Computer Programmers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
32 |
223.66 |
38 |
Intensity of Computer Support Specialists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
43 |
272.06 |
16 |
Intensity of Computer Systems Analysts per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
39 |
203.63 |
24 |
Intensity of Database and Network Administrators per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
39 |
211.97 |
24 |
Intensity of Electrical Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
19 |
113.50 |
64 |
Intensity of Electronics Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
16 |
91.80 |
70 |
Intensity of Medical Scientists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
Intensity of Microbiologists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
12 |
15.02 |
78 |
Intensity of Other Engineers per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
48 |
75.11 |
6 |
Intensity of Other Life and Physical Science Occupations per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
22 |
10.01 |
58 |
Intensity of Physicists per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
9 |
15.02 |
84 |
Intensity of Software Engineers, Systems Software per 100,000 Civilian Workers (2006) |
38 |
81.79 |
26 |
Hawaii » Technology Concentration and Dynamism Composite Index for 2010 | 2008 | 2004 | 2002
RELATED: Hawaii High Tech Tax Credits Usage Falls on Heels of Legislative Tampering

