Mission Houses Museum’s Ongoing Evening Lecture Series Features Jeff Gere
HONOLULU, HI – One of Hawai‘i’s most prolific and popular storytellers, Jeff Gere, will present On The Tip of My Tongue: Current Living Tales, in the February edition of “Talk Story,” the Mission Houses Museum’s ongoing evening lecture series. Jeff will share a variety of personal tales; folk tales, inspirational and supernatural tales collected, told, and experienced over twenty-five years of constant storytelling throughout the state, the mainland, and the Pacific.
Jeff was born on Halloween, an interesting twist for a storyteller. He hosts and directs the Talk Story Festival, Hawai‘i's largest storytelling celebration; hosts and produces Talk Story Radio, weekly Pacific Stories podcast (http://www.talkstoryradio.com); has released ten CDs, received the 2007 Oracle Award from the National Storytelling Network, and performed in October at the National Storytelling Festival in Tennessee (http://www.jeffgere.com).
Mission Houses Museum’s “Talk Story” evening lecture series focuses on myths, legends, and fables for 2011. Admission is free and takes place on the second Wednesday of every month, starting at 7PM at the Kana‘ina Building on ‘Iolani Palace grounds.
Mission Houses Museum, located in Honolulu’s Historic Capitol District, is known worldwide as the place where the Hawaiian written language was developed in collaboration with the ali‘i. The museum preserves the oldest and second oldest documented houses in Hawai‘i and the largest collection of Hawaiian language books in the world.
For more information: www.missionhouses.org

