by Andrew Walden
Eric Fuller, wounded in the Tucson shootings, was about to become the Progressives’ “Exhibit A” in the War on Palin. It all started Friday with an interview on Amy Goodman’s mis-named Democracy Now radio program. Headlined "It Looks Like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the Rest Got Their First Target", here’s how it began:
Fuller had campaigned for Arizona Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in her reelection campaign and was at the supermarket in Tucson on Saturday to meet with her. He was shot in the knee and also wounded in the back. "It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target," Fuller says. "Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled."
But something happened to Eric Fuller on the way to his 15 minutes of fame. It took about one day for this very typical and average Progressive activist to implode and he did it in front of dozens of people during the taping of an ABC News Town Hall. MSNBC reports:
…Fuller took exception to comments by Republican state Rep. Terri Proud and Tucson Tea Party spokesman Trent Humphries.
Fuller was in the front row and apparently became upset when Humphries suggested that any conversations about gun control should be delayed until all the dead were buried, KGUN reported.
Fuller took a picture of Humphries and shouted, “You’re dead.”
Some media reports said Fuller kept booing and making other remarks before deputies escorted him from the church.
The Arizona Republic also covered the story:
The Pima County Sheriff's Department said it arrested Eric Fuller, 63, who was wounded in the knee a week ago in the shooting rampage that killed six and wounded 13. He was being held Saturday for alleged threats of intimidation and disorderly conduct and will undergo a mental-health evaluation….
Toward the end of the taping, Amanpour brought up the issues of gun safety and mental health. One member of the audience who identified with the tea-party movement stood up and said debate over the shooting's political and gun-law implications should be delayed until emotions settle down. Fuller, seated near the front in an area reserved for victims and special guests, appeared increasingly frustrated and agitated.
Fuller then swiveled in his chair, raised his camera and took a photo of the pro-gun speaker, muttering, "You're dead," according to Joel Tranter, who was sitting behind him.
"I told him, 'You need to be respectful. You need to calm down,'" Tranter said. "He said, 'What'd you do, vote for this guy?'"
As police officers approached to escort Fuller outside, he turned and shouted at the audience: "You whores!"
The rest of the taping continued without incident and wrapped up about five minutes later.
Outside, Fuller was arrested for making threats, said Capt. Byron Gwaltney of the Pima County Sheriff's Department.
Hopefully the mental health system in Arizona will do a better job of treating poor Mr. Fuller than they did with the schizophrenic Tucson shooter. But we have to understand that, unlike Loughner who allegedly suffers from an organic brain disorder, Fuller was driven to his rage by the rhetoric being used by Democrats and the liberal media blaming their political opponents for the shootings—in fact Fuller was emerging as one of the key proponents of that rhetoric.
What was it that Obama said about “bitter clingers” back in 2008? It wasn’t something like this:
"You go into these towns like San Francisco and Berkeley and, like Greenwich Village, the thrill has been gone now for 35 years and nothing's replaced it. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to gun control or irreligion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-American sentiment or anti-capitalist sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Progressive activists like Eric Fuller wanted Hope and Change. Obama tried to give it to them, but failed. So for now it’s the rubber room.
REALITY: Alleged Tucson Shooter: Flag-burning Leftist, dope smoking atheist