News Release from Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation, Sep 20, 2022
HONOLULU – The Hawaiʻi Department of Transportation (HDOT) announces the selection of two intersections for Phase 1 of the Red-Light Safety Camera (RLSC) pilot. Red-Light Safety Cameras will be installed at Vineyard Boulevard and Palama Street and Vineyard Boulevard and Liliha Street.
Construction, including saw cutting, utility connections, and post and sign installations, has begun at the Vineyard and Palama site and is expected to last two weeks. Construction at the Vineyard and Liliha site will begin in October and is expected to run for four weeks.
Once construction is completed, red-light runners at the Phase 1 intersections will begin to receive warning letters. A sample of the warning letter and how the Red-Light Safety Camera system will work is available at
The reasoning behind the selection of Vineyard Boulevard at Palama Street and Vineyard Boulevard at Liliha Street follows:
Vineyard Boulevard at Palama Street
Installation of RLSC at this intersection location adjacent to freeway on/off-ramps may help provide traffic calming for vehicles traveling through the neighborhood. The northeast bound approach to the intersection from Palama Street has a higher propensity for crashes; however, data did not show evidence that these crashes were directly correlated with red-light running. A table showing the crash history for the intersection from 2016-2020 is below.

Vineyard Boulevard at Liliha Street
There is crash history at all three of these approaches to the Vineyard Boulevard at Liliha Street intersection, including red-light running related crashes at the northwest bound and southeast bound Vineyard Boulevard approaches. The northeast bound Liliha Street approach also has red-light running related crash history. A table showing the crash history for the intersection from 2016-2020 is below.

The full engineering study will be released later this month. The list of proposed intersections with the Phase 1 selections in bold are:
1) Likelike Highway and School Street
2) Vineyard Boulevard and Palama Street
3) Vineyard Boulevard and Liliha Street
4) King Street and River Street
5) North King Street and Beretania Street
6) Pali Highway and Vineyard Boulevard
7) Pali Highway and School Street
8) King Street and Ward Avenue
9) Kapiolani Boulevard and Kamakee Street
10) Beretania Street and Piikoi Street
11) King Street and Middle Street
12) King Street and Kohou Street
13) Vineyard Boulevard and Nuuanu Avenue
14) McCully Street and Algaroba Street
Selection of the eight remaining RLSC sites will be announced when the engineering study is released. Construction will be broken up into three phases to facilitate scheduling. The expected construction schedule for the Phase 2 and 3 sites is:
Phase 2: Begin construction in November.
Phase 3: Begin construction in December.
SA Editorial: Red-light cameras aiming for safety