Star-Advertiser: Abercrombie’s Birther War named to top ten Flubs of the Year
8. Birthers Reborn: The issue of President Barack Obama’s birthplace, seemingly close to running its course, is brought to the forefront by newly-elected Gov. Neil Abercrombie.
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Seattle Times says Hurrah! As Abercrombie’s Birther War enters Year Two
Here's a wild idea: How about a New Year's resolution to fight only about things based on facts. This nonsense has gone on long enough.
The Hawaiian islands became a state in 1959. Documents show Barack Obama was born there on Aug. 4, 1961. What else do you need to know?
(It is easy for Seattle Times editors to cheer on the war effort from comfort of their offices, but many on the front lines are starting to think this is not a winnable war—a quagmire. Some are even calling for negotiations with the birthers.)
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