Huffington Post: Abercrombie on “a fool’s errand”
LA Times: Birther King Andy Martin, “I’ll be driving the agenda for the Republican Party”
HR: With President Just Minutes Away, Abercrombie Makes Drudge Report for Obama’s Birth Certificate Comments
He could meet the President at the Hawaii state Department of Health, which is across the street from the capitol, and with a full press corp present, pay $10, and receive a certified copy.
But instead, Abercrombie, who was friends with Obama’s father, is making national news for his pledge. He has not announced specific details on how he will accomplish this.
SF Chronicle: Neil Abercrombie versus the birthers
I understand and admire Abercrombie's motives, and I urge him not to get involved.
WHTC: I'm Doubtful
DBKP: Obama Birth Certificate: A Birther is a Racist is a Truther is a Nazi
DBKP: Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie Adds Fuel to Obama Birth Certificate Fire
ABC News: Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie Wants Facts to Silence 'Birthers'
Chicago Sun-Times: Fight vs. birthers worth waging
Africana Online: The Birther Battle that Won’t go Away
SKY News: 'Birthers' Right?
WND: Abercrombie won’t talk to us
WND: Top agenda of Hawaii's new governor
Wa Times: It's time to play "find the birth certificate"
Arizona Republic: Go for it, Mr Governor
The new governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, has big issues to handle, including a substantial budget deficit that threatens to grow exponentially in coming years.
On top of all his headaches, though, Abercrombie has piled on another, bigger conundrum that he says he is committed to resolving.
Yes. He's taking on the birthers.
Yes, the governor risks playing into the hands of the rabid birthers, few of whom will be convinced regardless of the weight of evidence.