Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie’s “top priority” – leading Hawaii in Holy Crusade to slay the Birther dragon – continues to make national and international news. Google News reports over 2000 articles have been published and more are coming out by the hour. Here are some of the latest….
USA Today: Hawaii governor wants to prove Obama was born there
Talk about friends you don't need, especially during a peaceful, news-free vacation. Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie has been spending President Obama's vacation eagerly talking with reporters about his crusade to prove -- once and for all? -- that the nation's 44th president was born in the Aloha State.
FrontPageMag: Hawaii Governor Revives Birth Certificate Wars Because He Wants to End the Controversy. Yeah, Right
A charitable reading of Abercrombie’s mission would be that he simply doesn’t understand that conspiracy theorists aren’t motivated by evidence, and that a handful of nuts talking nonsense among themselves isn’t some grievous injury to Obama or his parents’ memories. A more cynical take would be that he’s a typical left-wing hack out to score political points by resurrecting the narrative of Obama as a victim of right-wing zealots. I’m gonna have to go with the latter.
And more …
Chris Matthews Wants To Know Why Obama Hasn't Requested A Copy Of His Birth Certificate
Hawaii governor vows to end 'birther' controversy
New Hawaii governor: We're going to put a stop to this Birther crap once and ...
Hawaii Governor Will End Birther Debate (Whether Obama Wants Him To Or Not)
Birther Battle Heats Up In Hawaii
Happy Hour Vid: Chris Matthews Admits Birthers Are Probably Never Going Away
WND (Birther Central): 'Why doesn't the president just say, send me a copy right now?' (Because he wants you birthers to keep on trucking, that’s why.)
Hawaii’s New Birther Campaign Awakens Ghost Of Orly Taitz On MSNBC (Neil’s efforts bear fruit.)
New Hawaii Gov. Vows to Knock Some Sense Into Birthers

