Aloha Kakou Waianae Coast Ohana and Friends!
Just a friendly announcement and invitation to attend the Meet the Candidate Forum for the District #1 City Council Race scheduled for Tuesday, December 21st, 2010; 6-9pm; at Nanakuli Beach Park Multi-Purpose Room moved to Nanakuli High & Int School Cafeteria. The forum is sponsored by the Nanakuli Neighborhood Board #36 and the Nanakuli High and Int. PTSA.
Please come and hear the candidates answer questions as to Who, What, When, Where, Why and How are they going to address concerns and issues specific to our Waianae Coast Communities (Nanakuli, Maili, Waianae and Makaha) and its residents.
This is the current confirmed list of candidates who will be participating in the Forum event:
1. Tom Berg
2. Mel Kahele
3. Chris Lewis
4. Matt Lopresti
5. Jason Espero
6. Gary Velleses
7. Rose Martinez
8. Celeste Lacuesta
Points of Information:
1. There are over 100 people that I know of who will be holding on to their "Vote-By-Mail" ballots and are waiting for this particular event to occur before mailing or doing the walk-in vote at Kapolei Hale. I, along with my ohana are part of this 100 potential votes for this Special Election.
2. I have been receiving through email and in person, questions to pose to the candidates for this Forum; However, in the attached handout it is mentioned that the community will have up to 6pm December 21st, 2010 (day of Forum) to submit questions for the candidates.
3. The Forum location will be subject to change because of the capacity limitation (100 people) at the Nanakuli Beach Park Multi-Purpose Room. This past Friday, I submitted the Use of Facility form to the Nanakuli High School administration requesting the use of their Cafeteria (500 capacity) for this event. I will know by Monday whether or not the Cafeteria is available and will be approved for this Forum.
If you have not voted yet, please come and attend our Forum and get to know the candidates on a more personal level which should help you decide whom to choose when you cast your vote after this event.
Aloha No,
Kimo Kelii (Event Coordinator)
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