How to Make Housing Affordable in Hawaii
from Grassroot Institute
Why the high prices? Hint: It's not because of “empty homes,” short-term rentals, “outside investors” or other distractions.
Find out why Hawaii has the most expensive median home prices in the nation — and what we can do about it — at two luncheon gatherings during June sponsored by the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.
The first event will be at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center in Kahului on Thursday, June 16, and feature Jason Economou, director of government affairs at the Realtors Association of Maui, and Keli‘i Akina, president and CEO of the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii.
The second gathering will be at a private club in downtown Honolulu on June 17 and feature Stanford Carr, president of Stanford Carr Development, one of the leading developers in the state, and David Arakawa, executive director of Land Use Research Foundation of Hawaii. Akina will be the moderator.
At both events, the presentations will focus on why Hawaii housing is so expensive. Hint: It is not “empty homes,” short-term rentals or “outside investors.” Instead, as Economou, Akina, Carr and Arakawa will explain, the Aloha State’s pitiful lack of affordable housing is due to state and county regulations that hinder or even prevent more homebuilding.
Attend the discussions and find out more about which regulations in particular have stymied Hawaii’s housing supply, inducing so many of our family, friends and neighbors to move to the mainland in search of homes they can afford.
Doors for both events open at 11:30 a.m., with the luncheons to begin at noon.
Admission is $10 on Maui, $30 on Oahu and includes parking and lunch. Space is limited, so please make your reservation early.
To register for the Maui event, go here; for the Oahu event, here.
For more information, please call Sean Mitsui at 808-864-1776 or email info@grassrootinstitute.org.
LN: Why is housing so expensive?