from Partners in Care, May, 2022 (excerpts)
The O‘ahu Point In Time (PIT) Count is an annual street and shelter count that determines the number of people experiencing homelessness on O‘ahu on a single night in January (O'ahu's 2022 Count was delayed until March due to COVID-19). This project included a brief survey to identify the needs and characteristics of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Every Continuum of Care in the U.S. is required to submit PIT Count results to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as part of a national effort to identify the extent of homelessness across the country. …
The Point In Time Count (PIT Count) was held on March 10, 2022 from 5:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., asking individuals where they slept on the night of March 9, 2022
The unsheltered count relies on interviews and observations taken by volunteers.
The sheltered count relies on data exports from the Homeless Management Information System.
3,951 people experiencing homelessness on O‘ahu on the night of March 9, 2022
60% Unsheltered 2,355 individuals were staying on the streets or other places not meant for human habitation
40% Sheltered 1,596 individuals were staying in Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing, or Safe Haven Programs

While the unsheltered population has remained relatively level, the shelter population has decreased significantly. COVID-19 may have been a factor in this due to social distancing and shelter depopulation…
21% (814) of all individuals were Repeaters 11% had been in 2 PITs, 5% in 3 PITs, 3% in 4 PITS, 2% in 5+ PITS
53% (2,077) of all individuals were in HMIS (HMIS = shelters’ homeless management information system--but only 40% are currenty in a shelter)
23% (779) of adults & UMs were Chronically Homeless Individuals
18% (614) of adults & UMs reported a Substance Use Problem
22% (742) of adults & UMs reported a Mental Health Illness….
read … Full Report
CB: Number Of Homeless People Counted In Oahu Survey Drops 11%
KHON: Oahu homeless numbers fall but more are on the street
SA Off the News: Homelessness spreads on Oahu