(So much for Neil Abercrombie’s “more federal funds” refrain, eh? If this holds, Inouye will no longer be able to buy off his cronies and the corporatist state will starve. Hawaii Democrats will be relegated to peddling marijuana, assisted suicide, and gay marriage as substitutes for pork barrel projects.)
from Tim Phillips Americans for Prosperity
Today, just minutes after our November Speaks rally at the Capitol featuring Senator Jim DeMint and just days after tens of thousands of you called and e-mailed Senate Republicans, Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell walked to the floor of the Senate and announced that Republicans are going to impose a moratorium on pork barrel earmarks.

Click here for more pictures and Fox News coverage.
AP: DeMint scores big victory with McConnell support for earmark moratorium
This is a victory for you and our free market movement. It also is an important first step in showing that Republicans have perhaps learned the right lessons from their mistakes in the past.
At our rally today, as always, I heard from folks who have sacrificed much and traveled long distances to send their message. To give you an idea of why we are winning, let me tell you this story - several ladies from the McMinn County Tennessee Tea Party (wearing their distinctive orange jackets) drove all the way up from eastern Tennessee to send their message. In addition to their local tea party work, they have made the long trip to Washington on many occasions. They introduced me to Lisa from Northern Virginia, a lady who they had met at our past rallies, and now opens up her home for free lodging to her new friends in our movement.
With the earmark battle won, we must now turn our full attention to the lame duck battle. Congressman Mike Pence put it so well at our rally today when he said that "The American people have spoken and this time Nancy Pelosi and her friends would be well advised to listen." As usual, Congressman Pence is exactly right.
Today I'm asking you to call or e-mail your member of the House and your two senators (including, perhaps, a "lame duck" who has already been voted out!) with two simple requests.
One, extend ALL of the current tax rates for every American. Do not ignore the smaller government the American people voted for by hitting any American with a tax hike in this economy.
Two, do not pass ANY new legislation that spends more money or makes government any bigger. No massive trillion dollar omnibus spending bill on the way out the door. No funding for ObamaCare.
Click here to call your members of Congress and click here to send them an e-mail.
Let's keep the pressure on. We're winning.

Tim Phillips
P.S. To see more coverage from today's November Speaks rally to stop the lame duck session click here.
And please take a minute to e-mail Senator Jim DeMint and thank him for standing up and fighting on this earmark battle.
RELATED: Neil Abercrombie 2009: A year of corruption