Dear Friend,
Will you wake up Wednesday morning knowing you did everything you could to win this election and ensure balance, honesty and fiscal responsibility in state government?
Until all the votes are counted, our whole focus is on showing our heart, showing our character and showing our love to the people of Hawai‘i. And we must encourage others to do the same.
Being a part of this grassroots campaign has truly been a remarkable experience. We've had a lot of ups, some downs, and through it all, we kept climbing that mountain... one step at a time.
We're almost there, and I need your help now more than ever.
I ask you now to call at least five friends and encourage them to vote Aiona-Finnegan on Election Day.
After you have secured at least five votes from your friends, I need your help to phone bank with us on Election Day at Dole Cannery to get out our vote.
This effort is critical to achieving victory on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
On Wednesday, the political ads will stop. The signs will be taken down, and the political mail will not be stuffed in your mailbox.
The election will be over, and we'll either elect balanced, honest and fiscally responsible leaders who have a detailed plan for more jobs, a stronger economy and better education, or we'll allow the big government, big spending, tax increasing political culture of Washington into Hawai‘i.
This is our last stand of this election. Please join us.
Aloha ke Akua

Duke Aiona