Duke and Lynn Big Island Express Footage
from www.AionaFinnegan.com
HONOLULU - Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan today wrapped up their successful statewide bus tour, reaching thousands of their grassroots supporters to drive home their plan for real solutions to create jobs, strengthen Hawai‘i's economy and improve education.
The Duke and Lynn Express kicked off Tuesday, Oct. 26, in Kaua‘i, where the candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor met and talked story with supporters and undecided voters across the island. The tour kept the momentum going in Maui on Thursday, Oct. 28, Hawai‘i Island on Friday, Oct. 29, and today with six buses on O‘ahu.
On Sunday, Duke will travel with grassroots supporters by bus and will meet and greet supporters in Hawai‘i Kai, Waimanalo, Kailua and Kane‘ohe. Lynn will travel to Maui on Sunday to join grassrots supporters to sign wave, meet and greet and visit small businesses.
“We're seeing a groundswell of grassroots support in every community on every island,” said Duke Aiona. “It's truly humbling, and we're so thankful for each and every vote. Our supporters believe Hawai‘i's best days are still ahead, and Lynn and I have real solutions formed with the input and ideas of our working families and small businesses. Our focus remains on mobilizing our citizens to head to the polls to make sure that every voice is heard. The people of Hawai‘i don't want and don't need Washington-style politics and empty promises.”
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The Aiona-Finnegan Campaign today issued photos from the third leg of the Duke and Lynn Express, as well as a mass sign waving at the State Capitol.

The Big Island photos can be accessed online on Duke and Lynn's Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dukeaiona/sets/72157625143059517/.
Video from the mass sign waving at the State Capitol is available on Duke and Lynn's YouTube channel or their Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Duke-Aiona-for-Governor-2010/55664856526?v=app_244494104622.
Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan have embarked on a statewide bus tour for their grassroots supporters to drive home their plan to create jobs, strengthen Hawai`i’s economy and improve education.
The Duke and Lynn Express arrived on the Big Island today, where the candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor met and talked story with supporters and undecided voters across the island, and will continue Saturday with stops across O`ahu. The Duke and Lynn Express will feature sign waving, rallies, talk stories and special guest appearances.
More information about the Duke and Lynn Express can be accessed online at www.AionaFinnegan.com/express.