Duke and Lynn Maui Express Footage
from www.AionaFinnegan.com
HONOLULU - The Aiona-Finnegan Campaign today issued photos from the second leg of the Duke and Lynn Express.
The photos can be accessed online on Duke and Lynn's Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dukeaiona/sets/72157625136797613/.
Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan embarked on a statewide bus tour for their grassroots supporters to drive home their plan to create jobs, strengthen Hawai`i’s economy and improve education.
The Duke and Lynn Express arrived in Maui today, where the candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor met and talked story with supporters and undecided voters across the island, and will continue this week with stops on Hawai`i Island and O`ahu. The Duke and Lynn Express will feature sign waving, rallies, talk stories and special guest appearances.
Duke and Lynn Kaua‘i Express Footage
HONOLULU - The Aiona-Finnegan Campaign today issued photos from the first leg of the Duke and Lynn Express.
The photos can be accessed online on Duke and Lynn's Flickr page at http://www.flickr.com/photos/dukeaiona/sets/72157625125348689/.
Duke Aiona and Lynn Finnegan are embarking on a statewide bus tour for their grassroots supporters to drive home their plan to create jobs, strengthen Hawai`i’s economy and improve education.
The Duke and Lynn Express kicks off today on Kaua`i, where the candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor will meet and talk story with supporters and undecided voters across the island, and will continue this week with stops on Maui, Hawai`i Island and O`ahu. The Duke and Lynn Express will feature sign waving, rallies, talk stories and special guest appearances
More information about the Duke and Lynn Express can be accessed online at www.AionaFinnegan.com/express.
RELATED: Aiona-Finnegan launch Statewide bus tour