Session ends and there is some really great news!
form Hawaii Family Forum, May 6, 2022
This legislative session has been a surprising one. We started the year fighting against the attempts to legalize gambling, recreational marijuana), silencing parents on problematic sex education curriculum, abortion expansion, and assisted suicide expansion.
The miracle is that NONE OF THESE PASSED.
We could ascertain that because this is an election year, and the budget was central to legislators, decisions were made to put these issues on the backburner.
What we know for CERTAIN, is that Hawaii Family Forum submitted testimony on all of these problematic bills.
We are saddened that two good bills also were dismissed this year: one (HB 2462) would have allowed for the Department of Health to issue stillbirth certificates for parents who requested them. This bill was deferred by the House Health Committee. Another one (SB 2634) would have allowed Medicaid funds to be used for postpartum women for up to a year after birth. This bill died in conference committee.
This is the last "week in review" for the year and we will now go back to monthly eNews where we will send out notifications on monthly happenings. In the meantime, we expect that all of problematic issues mentioned in the first paragraph will be back next year.
And we will be there too. Mahalo to all of you for your prayers and support.
Love and Prayer at All Times!
In December of 2001, I began my employment with Hawaii Family Forum. One of the things that attracted me to the job, was the way that then executive director Kelly Rosati, handled issues.
In spite of the constant attacks against us regarding such high-profile issues as same-sex marriage, physician-assisted suicide, raising the age of consent, abortion expansion and adoption promotion, Kelly remained gracious but firm. People commented that she was sweet but tough.
In the years since 2001, I have watched our faith-based community threatened, intimidated, laughed at, ridiculed and sometimes just plain dismissed. But do you know what else I witnessed? Steadfast prayer, commitment, generosity and support - even to those on the other side of the issue.
That is why I stayed.
Recently I have noticed that more and more people are becoming angered at the rules some government officials have established, or are working on establishing. Interaction at some meetings across the state have led people to act more forcibly when testifying. [There's more to this article and you can read full article here]
Final Day
On Thursday, May 5, 2022, the Hawaii State Legislature closed for session.
This end of session is the deadline for Final Reading of bills and adoption of resolutions. Adjournment sine die occurs on the last day of a Regular Session and indicates a suspension of the business of the legislature indefinitely.
Whats coming up? Next, the Legislature will certify the bills whose form both chambers have agreed to and will transmit or "enroll" those bills to the Governor. You can track what is happening with all bills related to the 2022 legislature, by clicking this link.
Important Timelines (Final Step for a Bill to Become a Law)
(As published by Public Access Room)
If a bill successfully passes through both chambers of the Legislature, it needs to be presented to the Governor. (Unless it proposes a constitutional amendment, in which case it gets put on the ballot)
The procedure for enactment, which is defined in Article III, Section 16 of the Hawai'i State Constitution, varies depending on when the bill is delivered to the Governor and the Governor's subsequent action or inaction in considering the bill. (In computing the number of days designated below, the following days are excluded: Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and any days in which the Legislature is in recess prior to its adjournment.)
The following information is based on adjournment sine die occurring on May 5, 2022.
If the bill is sent to the Governor on or before April 18, 2022 (10 or more days before adjournment of the Legislature sine die), then...
If the Governor signs the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes law and is given an act number.
If the Governor neither signs nor vetoes the bill within 10 days, the bill becomes law without the Governor's signature and is given an act number.
If the Governor vetoes the bill within 10 days, the bill does not become law unless the Legislature reconsiders the bill before adjournment sine die and overrides the veto by a 2/3 vote in each chamber.
If the bill is sent to the Governor after April 18, 2022 (less than 10 days prior to adjournment sine die), then...
If the Governor signs the bill by July 12, 2022 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die), the bill becomes law and is given an act number.
If the Governor neither signs nor vetoes the bill by July 12, 2022 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die), the bill becomes law without the Governor's signature and is given an act number.
If the Governor intends to veto the bill, the Governor must inform the Legislature by June 27, 2022 (the 35th day after adjournment sine die) and deliver the veto by July 12, 2022 (the 45th day after adjournment sine die).
If the bill is vetoed, it will not become law unless the Legislature successfully overrides the veto in special session by a 2/3 vote in each chamber.
The Legislature must convene in special session at or before noon on July 12, 2022, to override the Governor's veto. Note: The date that a bill goes into effect as law can be found in its last section.
U.S. Supreme Court Happenings this Week
The Supreme Court made the news several times this week, most especially with the "leak" of the draft opinion. Chief Justice John Roberts will most likely order a full FBI investigation into the leaked Supreme Court draft, according to a new report from CBS. You can read the statement issued by Chief Justice Roberts at this link.
Many in the pro-life community began to celebrate the unprecedented leak of a draft majority opinion that showed the Court could be set to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling. On the other side, pro-abortion supporters gathered at the Supreme Court to express their outrage.
All of us in the Family Policy Alliance movement cautioned the early celebration. While it may very well be a glimpse into the final decision, we must wait until the court issues its final verdict.
Check out my interview on Hawaii News Now.
In another decision this week, was a very rare unanimous ruling on Monday that secured a major victory for free speech.
In the opinion issued in Shurtleff v. Boston, authored by retiring Justice Stephen Breyer, the court ruled that the city of Boston violated the Constitution when it prohibited a group from flying a Christian flag on a flagpole it had held open to other groups and their flags.
In this ruling, the court determined that simply by permitting private groups to fly their flags on the City Hall flagpole, the city was not endorsing any message behind those flags and that, therefore, the flag and what it represents did not constitute government speech.
Triple "F" Show: Faith and Family First
26 Governors Make a Statement on the Border Crisis
On the episode of Faith and Family First, Jim Hochberg and I discuss the 26 governors who formed the "Border Strike Force."

Originally aired on May 5, 2022