News Release from DBEDT, Apr 14, 2022
HONOLULU – The Hawai‘i State Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism (DBEDT) today announced that the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for March was 4.1 percent, compared to the revised rate of 4.2 percent in February. Statewide, 644,900 were employed and 27,650 unemployed in March for a total seasonally adjusted labor force of 672,600. Nationally, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 3.6 percent in March, down from 3.8 percent in February.

The unemployment rate figures for the State of Hawai‘i and the U.S. are seasonally adjusted, in accordance with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) methodology. The not seasonally adjusted rate for the State was 3.5 percent in March, compared to 3.8 percent in February.

In another measure of employment, total nonagricultural jobs decreased by 300 over-the-month.
Job gains occurred in Leisure & Hospitality (+400); Construction (+300); Other Services (+200); Professional & Business Services (+100); and Manufacturing (+100).
Job losses occurred in Information (-100); Financial Activities (-100); Education & Health Services (-400); and Trade, Transportation, & Utilities (-800).
Within Trade, Transportation, & Utilities, about one-half of the decline was in the Transportation, Warehousing, & Utilities subsector, with the balance evenly split between Retail Trade and Wholesale Trade.
Within Education & Health Services, the contraction was concentrated in the Health Care & Social Assistance subsector.
Government employment remained unchanged.
Over- the-year (March 2021 was the 12th month of pandemic effects), nonfarm jobs have gone up by 35,700, or 6.3 percent. However, in comparison with March 2020 (last month prior to pandemic effects) nonfarm jobs were down by 55,400, or -8.5 percent.

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CS: Hawaii's weekly unemployment claims decrease slightly
MN: Maui County unemployment rate at 4.3% in March