Duke specific, Opponent ducks again
From www.AionaFinnegan.com
HONOLULU - Travis Taylor, communications director of the Aiona-Finnegan Campaign, today issued the following statement regarding the discussion between Duke Aiona and his opponent during live broadcast of the Hawai‘i PBS' Island Insights.
"Duke Aiona answered every question directly with specific, real solutions that will benefit all the people of Hawai‘i.
"Our opponent answered questions with generalities, and offered no details.
"Mr. Abercrombie was asked point blank how he would find the $190 million he promised to government workers, but once again ducked the answer.
"This is consistent with our opponent's long-standing inability to specifically explain how he would fund his book of promises.
"Duke Aiona is the only candidate for Governor who will support private sector job creation, immediately reduce state government barriers to public and private projects, implement a fair tax system and create a transparent business environment."