News Release from Menor-McNamara Campaign, April 5, 2022
(HONOLULU, HI) April 5, 2022- For your information and reference, we wanted to make sure you received the attached memo prepared by Lake Research Partners (LRP) summarizing the results of their poll on the Hawai’i Lieutenant Governor Race. Based on their polling data and analysis, LRP comes to the following conclusion: “The bottom line is that the Lieutenant Governor race in Hawai’i is currently very close and competitive. With her economic credentials and experience to get Hawai’i’s economy back on track, Menor-McNamara is poised to pull ahead when she communicates her message to Democratic primary voters.”
As you may know, Celinda Lake is one of the Democratic Party’s leading political strategists, as well as one of the nation’s foremost experts on electing women candidates. She was one of two lead pollsters for the Biden campaign in 2020 and continues to serve as a pollster to the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Lake Research Partners is the most consistently accurate Democratic research firm in the country. For three consecutive cycles, rated Lake Research at the top of all Democratic polling firms in terms of accuracy.
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To: Interested Parties
Fr: Celinda Lake, David Mermin, and Emily Garner, Lake Research Partners Re: Hawai’i Lieutenant Governor Race Poll Results Date: March 21, 2022
Our recent survey of likely 2022 Democratic Primary voters in Hawai’i shows the race for Lieutenant Governor is essentially a four-way tie, with Sherry Menor-McNamara in the group of four leaders along with Keith Amemiya, Jill Tokuda, and Ikaika Anderson.
On an initial ballot where voters hear only the candidates’ names, Amemiya, Tokuda, and Anderson are tied at 15%, with Menor-McNamara at 13% - within the margin of error. Over a third of voters remain undecided at this early stage of the race (35%).

*Darker colors indicate strong support
After a balanced, engaged debate where voters hear positive profiles of all the candidates, Menor-McNamara pulls into a slight lead over the other top 3 contenders with 20% of the vote, while 16% of voters remain undecided.

The bottom line is that the Lieutenant Governor race in Hawai’i is currently very close and competitive. With her economic credentials and experience to get Hawai’i’s economy back on track, Menor-McNamara is poised to pull ahead when she communicates her message to Democratic primary voters.