Hawaii Family Forum Legislative Week in Review
From Hawaii Family Forum, March 18, 2022
Medicaid Funding for Women Who Give Birth
SB 2634, Relating to Health, provides money from the general revenue to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage to twelve months following the end of pregnancy.
Hawaii Family Forum provided testimony in support of this bill.
Studies show that many women experience postpartum for many months following the birth of her child. One of the best things about being pro-life is that we support each and every woman who says yes to life. It is not easy for some women, and mental health issues should be a priority for all of us. This bill is a small way to help promote life in a way that benefits new mothers.
STATUS: On Friday, March 18, 2022, the House Committee on Health, Human Services and Homelessness voted to pass the bill out of committee with minor adjustments.
The bill will now move to the House Committee on Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs.
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Upcoming Legislative Deadlines
APR 19 SECOND LATERAL FOR SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS - All Senate concurrent resolutions (SCRs) with multiple referrals must move to their final committee in the non-originating chamber (the House) by this day. (Must be filed by Monday, April 18.)
APR 22 - DEADLINE FOR FINAL FORM OF BILLS PROPOSING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS - A proposed amendment's final form must be provided by written notice to the Governor prior to passing final reading by a 2/3 vote in each chamber. Once adopted by the Legislature, the proposed amendment is submitted to the voters, in the form of a 'yes or no' question on the ballot, for ultimate decision.
APR 25- SECOND CROSSOVER FOR CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS - Deadline for adopting amended concurrent resolutions in the non-originating chamber in order to "cross back" to the originating chamber. (Measures must be filed by Friday, April 22.) APR 28 - FINAL DECKING OF NON-FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting non-fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers.
APR 29 - FINAL DECKING OF FISCAL BILLS - Deadline for submitting fiscal bills for final reading by both chambers. Fiscal bills include appropriation or spending bills, tax credits, etc., or any bill with a House Finance (FIN) or Senate Ways and Means (WAM) referral.
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Let Senator Mazie Hirono She Doesn't Speak for You!
On March 8, 2022, Sen. Mazie Hirono sponsored a resolution supporting the work of Planned Parenthood. In her press conference, she stated...
"Women across the country are under attack-but so too are the health care professionals who provide safe and legal abortions. Across the country, abortion providers experience intimidation, harassment, threats, and violence from anti-abortion extremists. These doctors, nurses, and staff fear for their lives just to provide access to reproductive care," said Senator Mazie Hirono. "I'm proud to introduce this resolution with my colleagues to honor all health care providers who keep patients safe and healthy-and do their part to help provide access to reproductive care, including abortions."
TAKE ACTION NOW: Senator Hirono has a right to her opinion, but she also represents the pro-life community too. Use this link to send a message to her to let Senator Hirono know that she does not speak for you when she promotes Planned Parenthood.
Triple "F" Show: Faith and Family First
What does the Supreme Court Nomination Have to do with Us?
In this episode, President Biden has nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to succeed Stephen Breyer as the next justice on the United States Supreme Court, fulfilling his statement that he would nominate a black woman to the highest court in the land. But what does she actually believe? Eva and Jim explore.

Originally Aired: March 16, 2022
You are Invited: Whose Children Are they?