It was announced today that former mayoral candidate Marc Hodges will support former Mayor Alan Arakawa in his bid to become the next mayor of the County of Maui. 
Hodges explained, “During my campaign for Mayor, I repeatedly stressed the need for a comprehensive new approach in Maui County government to regulation, zoning, and economic development. During the many events and community forums in which I participated as a candidate together with Mr. Arakawa and our current Mayor, Ms. Tavares, I came away with an abiding respect for each of them. I also became very familiar with the policy approaches and strategic outlooks of both candidates. Mr. Arakawa often emphasized the need to change the county by streamlining county operations, cutting county operating costs and supporting economic development and small business. Ms. Tavares, on the other hand, consistently emphasized the need to stay the current course. I do not fault Ms. Tavares for the current state of the economy; however, I don’t agree that Ms. Tavares’ approach is the right strategy for today’s challenges.”
“Politics are frequently about practicality and compromise. And in this case, we Mauians must choose which of the two candidates is best suited to tackle the challenges as we see them. Neither Mr. Arakawa nor Ms. Tavares are perfect. Both have shortcomings; both have made mistakes as Mayor; and both have very admirable qualities and formidable skills. My decision to support Mr. Arakawa is based on my determination of which of these two candidates is best able and willing to cut costs, streamline county operations, and support small business and economic diversification. Mr. Arakawa is that candidate. This is a crucial election and too much hangs in the balance to stay on the sidelines. Despite a series of important endorsements for Mr. Arakawa, this race is far from settled. I will be campaigning for Mr. Arakawa and I ask you to do the same,” Hodges said.
“Finally, you should know that on meeting with Mr. Arakawa and his team, I started the meeting by stating emphatically that I was neither asking for nor expecting anything in exchange for my support of his campaign. There is no deal of any kind whatsoever. I am supporting Mr. Arakawa because it’s the right thing to do for our community at this crucial juncture. I am asking the public to do the same,” Hodges said.
“I am deeply honored to have the endorsement of Marc Hodges,” said Arakawa. “A respected leader on the Valley Isle, Marc has been a trusted voice for decades.”
Further details on Mr. Hodges' endorsement of Mr. Arakawa can also be found at his website:
Alan Arakawa has received the following endorsements:
- Maui Chamber of Commerce
- Maui County Council Member Jo Anne Johnson
- Maui County Council Member Sol Kahoohalahala
- Maui County Council Member Michael Molina
Former Mayoral Candidates:
- Marc Hodges
- Ori Kopelman
- Randy Piltz
Maui Trade Unions:
- Bricklayers & Allied Craftsmen Local #1 and Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ Local 630
- Hawaii Operating Engineers Industry Stabilization Fund
- Hawaii Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 1186
- International Union of Elevator Constructors, Local 126
- Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 368
- Plumbers & Fitters UA, Local Union 675
- The United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local 745