Another Layer of Government
HONOLULU - Duke Aiona today issued the following statement in response to his opponent's proposal for the next Lieutenant Governor to control the process for obtaining federal funds.
"Our opponent is once again showing his lack of understanding of state government, and putting forward a proposal without saying how he would pay for it.
"The last thing our nonprofits and community partners need is another layer of bureaucracy between them and more funding.
"The most important responsibility for any Lieutenant Governor is to work collaboratively with the Governor and cabinet members to provide executive leadership for state agencies and be ready to step in as Governor if needed.
"I formed a close working partnership with Governor Lingle based on teamwork and collaboration, and Lynn and I will form a productive and effective working partnership."
REALITY: Democrat team: Abercrombie, Schatz, and Larry Mehau
NOTE: Schatz’ sinecure between campaigns was boss of Helping Hands Hawaii so he knows a lot about how to manipulate the non-profit sector to advance his political career and punish those who oppose him.