From October 6, 2010
Intent on holding onto control of Congress, national Democrats have already spent over half a million dollars on this race with every single dime going towards funding a barrage of false attack ads designed to mislead voters about my record.
In their latest ad, they continue to falsely state that I voted against Hawaii schools when the truth is no Hawaii schools were in jeopardy. In addition, their most recent ad features a union boss whose union gave my opponent thousands of dollars in campaign contributions. They have even stooped to using a child in their false, negative attack ads to do their dirty work.
Unfortunately, however, if you say a lie often enough, people begin to believe it. Our internal polls now show us with a narrow lead, and a recent poll by a left wing blog shows our opponent with a razor thin lead. In either case, our race is very close.
We need your help now more than ever. If we are going to ensure that our government changes course and that we stop the reckless spending and waste in government, we need to act now.
Ballots will be mailed on Monday. We need your help today calling our voters to remind them to cast their ballot; signwaving in your neighborhoods, and walking door to door to reach every voter. Visit for more information, or call 979-6556.
This election may be decided by a handful of votes. Please help us to stand for fiscal responsibility and government accountability - even in the face of the machine.
Mahalo and Aloha!

Charles K. Djou
Member of Congress, Hawaii, First District
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RELATED: KOS Poll UPDATE: Aiona, Abercrombie statistically tied , Rothenberg: Democratic poll shows Djou ahead by double digits