Sunday, September 19, 2021 |
OHA Check Register: Complete List of Who Gets Paid FY2020-21
By Andrew Walden @ 8:38 PM :: 4193 Views :: Ethics, OHA
by Andrew Walden
Hawai’i Free Press has obtained a copy of the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Office of Hawaiian Affairs check register in response to an open records request.
The register shows 1,592 checks totaling $35,149,127.48--a spending increase of $14M from last year.
View the check register here:
This is the second fiscal year after the departure of former OHA CEO Kamana’o Crabbe. Is the cash still flowing to insiders? See for yourself:
Highlights found by searching the register include
- $1,153,691.25 paid to Kanu o Ka Aina Learning Ohana and another $93,529.50 paid to Kanu o Ka Aina PCS. Outgoing OHA Trustee Bob Lindsey formerly member of Board. Flashback: “OHA Chair’s Charter School Gets Seven Times More Than All Other Charters Combined”
- $12,588.00 to Kipuka O Ke Ola (5 Mountains) – Bob Lindsey on Board
- $3,041,579.18 paid to Bank of Hawaii -- up from $1.6M – (See: Surprise: Entire OHA Trust Fund Frozen by Gentry Pacific Boondoggle)
- $105,833.28 paid to First Hawaiian Bank
- $3,004,360.33 to DHHL (OHA in 2009 promised to give DHHL $3M per year for 30 yrs)
- $264,387.80 paid to OHA’s LLCs. $205,420.80 to Hi’ilei Aloha and $58,967.00 to Ho’okipaipai, LLC. OHA Trustee Dan Ahuna calls OHAs LLCs ‘a profitable model’ yet they keep getting subsidies year after year. See: Lawsuit: OHA Uses Corporations to Sidestep Open Meetings Law, Loot Assets, Line Cronies' Pockets
- $59,465.42 SPIRE HAWAII LLP (down from $149K) See: Financial Services: OHA Spire Contract Balloons 760% in Two Years
- $817,196.15 paid to University of Hawaii (up from $115K)
- $14,206,950.77 paid to Director of Finance (up from $8.9M) and $1,817,377.01 paid to OHA (payroll—up from $633K)
- $74,772.24 to Ann Sexton, OHA DC Office Manager
- $42,777.56 to Alu Like
Robin Danner Etal -- $576,307.81 (down from $977K)
- CNHA -- $270,923.70 (down from $800K)
- Homestead Community Development Corp-- $217,113.61
- Edith Kanakaole Foundation -- $88,270.50
$1.9M -- Consultants, Computer Software, Engineering, Training and Marketing (up $700K)
- $18,000.00 paid to 4 MILES LLC (Dawn Kaniaupio and Ruben Carrillo, filmmakers)
- $10,647.37 Access Information Management (shredding service)
- $14,1157.66 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. (network solutions)
- $31,449.60 CHERRYROAD TECHNOLOGIES INC. (systems integration and consulting services)
- $240,531.60 DATAHOUSE (consulting)
- $72,568.00 DL CONSULTING LIMITED (Veridian software, NZ)
- $247,710.92 paid to Forest Solutions, LLC -- up from $75K (owned by Mrs. Michael Saalfeld) See: “Secrecy surrounds Parker Ranch's sale of 3,509 acres to biofuel pioneer” and “Parker Ranch files lawsuit against German industrialist’s 3,500-acre purchase.”
- $96,704.46 Kalaimoku Group / John Aeto (advertising)
- $152.27 LEIDOS DIGITAL SOLUTIONS, INC. (down from $12K)
- $30,690.00 MANA'OLANA INTERNATIONAL, LLC (NOT IN GOOD STANDING -- business consulting)
- $342,487.65 paid to Broken Trust DC Lobbyists Marsh USA Inc.
- $201,080.02 Oahu Publications, Inc (Publishes Star-Adv)
- $66,125.00 SEGAL ADVISORS, INC.
- $99,837.66 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP (Software House Int’l)
- $130,495.58 Solutions Pacific (Ray Soon)
- $8,894.27 Systemmetrics Corp (Consulting--many insiders)
- $13,553.14 The SystemCenter, Inc
- $59,888.95 THOUGHTFOCUS, INC
- $59,470.20 Wilson Okamoto Co. (engineering and planning)
- $24,371.87 ZR Systems Group, LLC (computer consultants)
1.9M to Lawyers (NHLC up $500K)
- $245,250.71 to Klein Law Group LLLC (up from $172K-- see: OHA Sacrifices $3.2M to Hide Lawyer’s Conflict of Interest?)
- $134,406.43 to ES&A, INC which, among other things, in the past defended the OHA LLCs refusal to comply with Hawaii’s open records laws. See: Lawsuit: OHA-Owned Corporations Must Comply With Open Records Laws and OHA’s Hidden LLCs: Why Plead Guilty to Stealing $14M?
- $2,702.09 Cades Schutte
- $16,144.85 Ogawa, Lau, Nakamura & Jew
- $47,690.00 paid to McCorriston Miller.
- $191,789.07 paid to Dentons (formerly Alston Hunt).
- $1,298,800.00 paid to Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. (up from $786K)
Over $1.8M to Banks (down sharply)
- $1,665,990.32 paid to Bank of Hawaii.
- $174,094.99 paid to First Hawaiian.
Contractors on 2019-20 check register no longer being paid: