Randy Piltz Endorses Alan Arakawa for Mayor

From www.Arakawa2010.com
It was announced today that former mayoral candidate Randy Piltz will support former Mayor Alan Arakawa in his bid to become the next mayor of the County of Maui. Piltz’s decision comes after numerous meetings with Arakawa and current Mayor Charmaine Tavares held after the primary election.
“In my meetings with the two mayoral candidates who advanced to the general election, I have come to the conclusion that my beliefs and philosophies are most aligned with Alan Arakawa. We both share the same visions for the County of Maui and I am now convinced that the road to a brighter future for our county begins with the election of Arakawa as our next mayor,” said Piltz.
Piltz’s decision comes after a very spirited campaign resulting in a third place finish after Alan Arakawa and Charmaine Tavares.
Arakawa commented, “Randy Piltz’s opinion and influence in this community is substantial and this was made evident by the large number of votes he received in the primary. I am most pleased with my meetings with Randy and valued the opportunity to discuss our platforms which revealed tremendous similarities in our philosophies.”
“I am humbled by the support I received from individuals who believe that Maui County must take on a new direction to ensure economic recovery. It is for this reason that I ask them to continue to support this new direction by supporting for Alan Arakawa in this general election,” added Piltz.