Dear Friends,
We gained nearly 10,000 votes from 28,792 in our first election ever in 2008 to 38,408 in Primary Election 2010. We made it clear that Oahu was duped about rail having any real benefits. The rail duo of Mufi Hannemann and Kirk Caldwell was defeated. Now the rail is all but dead and I will make sure that it is.
I don't think Peter Carlisle is well informed about rail and I intend to help him out on this. I start today by informing him that:
(1) The previous City administration has illegally released monies to Kiewit Pacific and they have started some light duty construction and a large yard in the middle of Farrington Highway and Ft. Weaver Road. This work has no permits. (See image for locations.)

(2) The FTA has declared in writing that the financial plan for the rail will fail if it is re-submitted as is. Even if the Governor approves the State EIS for rail, the City must redo the financial plan and collect more taxes in order to get federal approval to build the rail.
(3) TheBus is essential to Oahu's transportation and all funds should be restored to it. About $300 million was taken away to support the rail. The rail financial plan must be done without reductions for TheBus.
(4) The next City administration must re-work the Iwi Kupuna and Eminent Domain parts of the rail. It is not logical to approve land acquisition costs based on condemnation of the frontage of parcels. Most businesses cannot survive if City condemns their store front but leaves them with the rest of the parcel. Lawsuits on Dilingham Blvd. alone will come in by the dozen.
(5) The effects of the passage of the Akaka Bill need to be specified in the EIS. Fundamentally, how can one railroad a piece of sovereign land?
I would like to conclude this message with my sincere MAHALO to you for sticking with me. I will stick to Oahu politics too and I will hold our politicians accountable in their meddling with infrastructure.
And to finish it with an upbeat note about me and my campaign I copy Laurie's comments to my Facebook. Mahalo Laurie!
Panos! You crack me up! Love your wisdom, feistiness and humor... Couldn't stop laughing after watching the Mayoral Debate... it was like watching "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" hahaha! You have my respect, and you have my vote should you run in 2012! Thank you for KEEPING IT REAL!!!!
This contribution cycle ends November 2. We will happily accept contributions to pay our final bills.
Please return your yard sign to Mac Mouse, 627 South St # 105, Honolulu, HI 96813 (easy parking for a quick drop off)