Saturday, May 15, 2021 |
Hawaii Juvenile COVID Cases Surging
By Andrew Walden @ 5:45 AM :: 3012 Views :: Education K-12, COVID-19

(Click to expand chart)
by Andrew Walden
COVID vaccinations are having an effect on Hawaii’s infection rate.
COVID cases have been declining since vaccinations began in mid-December, 2020, according to an Hawaii DoH chart. (above)
The cut-off for COVID vaccinations dropped from age 50 to age 16 on April 19, 2021. Age 12 and above became eligible for Pfizer vaccines starting May 12, 2021.
The chart shows new infections declining among the oldest, most vaccinated age groups. But age 0-17 (represented by dark blue line) is now at its highest peak since late August, 2020. This youngest age bracket had been the least likely to test positive almost ever week since July, 2020—but now they are second highest—surpassed only by the 18-44 age group.
DoH does not break out demographics from COVID-negative tests, but, as older residents are vaccinated, they are probably less likely to get tested.
Does the surge in 0-17 COVID cases reflect an age shift in COVID testing -- or a new wave of infections which has been tamped down by high inoculation rates among kupuna?
HNN: Despite Hawaii’s high vaccination rate, daily COVID case counts aren’t dropping as expected